An unbalanced high left brain: 58% Left, 42% right
Your Left Brain Percentages
60% \tVerbal (Your most dominant characteristic)
34% \tLogical
31% \tSequential
27% \tReality-based
17% \tSymbolic
16% \tLinear (Your least dominant characteristic)
Your Right Brain Percentages
44% \tFantasy-oriented (Your most dominant characteristic)
38% \tNonverbal
29% \tIntuitive
6% \tRandom
0% \tHolistic
0% \tConcrete (Your least dominant characteristic)
I call bullshit on the test.
Your Concrete Analysis
When you process information you have received, the real object is not important to you. You do not have to use the real object to make sense of what you have processed. For example, if solving a math problem you do not have to "draw out" the problem in order to find or understand the answer, and you do not have to visualize something to understand it. However, this also means you often neglect the physical information provided by a concrete example. In other words, you may miss the forest for the trees, trying to deduce something complex when the answer is plain to see.
C'mon, I'm a touchy feely kind of guy when it comes to trying to understand stuff. I've GOT to hold the object before I trust information that I'm told.