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New true, just crooked politicos
still something missing from all but one of the citations.

Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
New I'm not going to play that game.

You know as well as I do that that's just one AP summary story. Entering "Sharpe James" in the search box at Newsday turns up [link|http://www.newsday.com/search/sns-ap-ex-mayor-indicted,0,1487950.story|this] as the first hit. I didn't bother to check the others.


New Deal is
only one is actually mentioned by party. Yet they are all the same party.

No, its not sexual misconduct...but if these crooks don't deserve a mention by party, how can the media be trusted to report in kind?
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
New On trusting the media reporting...
[link|http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/12/world/middleeast/12cong.html?_r=2&oref=login&oref=slogin|NY Times]:

Senate Narrowly Backs Bush in Rejecting Debate on Increasing Time Between Deployments

As the [link|http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/015349.php|TPM] notes, the Senate voted 56 to 41. Against Bush. I guess it's that Liberal MediaTM up to its old tricks again, eh?

IOW, one can find lots of isolated examples of headlines or summaries of stories that seem to be slanted when other explanations are more likely.

New Nah, I think you missed the real issue why people care
It's the "family values" stuff the Republicans are always
screaming about. That is why that particular behaviour
strikes a nerve. Each party has its hot button list
of political planks, and when they do something that
is opposed to the plank, they become fair game.

When Clinton got in trouble for Monica (and others),
you'll note that his supporters mostly said, "So?"
It's not like this behaviour was unknown, or unexepected.
He certainly didn't claim that his party was against this
behaviour, and that other people shouldn't do it, and
THEN did it anyway.

I think they key issue is we love to destroy hypocrites.

Especially ones that are in a position of creating laws that
affect how we can behave. We especially love to go after
them, since they are in a position to inflict their
bullshit on the rest of us. And the people who create
laws that impact interpersonal behaviour with a religious
foundation are almost always right wing republicans.

So, as far as your example with Bryant and other, yes,
politicians in general are scum, and yes, a certain subset
of them will be stealing from the public.

BUT: We expect that. No matter which party.

It is when some anti-business tree hugging democrat who
tries to champion a bunch of causes is found to own a
substantial amount of stock in Exxon-Mobil is what becomes
a problem. Not for offering blowjobs in the bathroom.
Because he was already expected to be doing that.
Regardless of whether or not the media is accurately protraying party affiliation of crooks has little to do whether or not the Florida co-chair for the McCain campaign has been picked up for prostitution. (Unless BP wants to assert that Bob Allen is actually a democrat).

Of course, the standard argument ISN'T anything to do with Allen, but rather "Democrats are bad too."™

Which makes me surprised that he didn't mention the [link|http://wonkette.com/politics/pagefuckergate/desperate-times-desperate-measures-205075.php|Congressional Page scandel].
New Not quite, but close
The guy got picked up for soliciting sex. He's a bad guy R or D. My beef is with the REPORTING of these items.

Case in point being the DHS guy. With the reporting of that, you would believe he was an R even though he was registered D.

This is why I included that piece. I guarantee that if those politicos were Repo's it would have been mentioned every time. Instead, the biggest pay for play offenders in NJ, all walking away with hundreds of thousands of my dollars, get a party affiliation pass in the article.

Fair and Balanced? Hardly.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
New The fact that he was DHS is/was relevant.
Remember that your Constitutional protections do not have to be honored by the Gestapo Homeland Security Brown Shirts SS officers. Don't you want to know what these guys who can enter your home without telling you and without a warrant, remove things from your home, never tell you they were there, arrest you and hold you as long as they like and if and when they ever decide to take you to court can surprise you on the stand with the stuff they stole from your home are really like?

Microsoft Vista. The best reason ever to buy a Mac.
New And so reporting...
...a sexual predator as a rep when he was a dem has something to do with this?
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
New Duh...
non-non-Fair and un-un-biased reporting.
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry|REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwethey
PGP key: 1024D/B524687C 2003-08-05
Fingerprint: E1D3 E3D7 5850 957E FED0  2B3A ED66 6971 B524 687C
Alternate Fingerprint: 09F9 1102 9D74  E35B D841 56C5 6356 88C0
Alternate Fingerprint: 455F E104 22CA  29C4 933F 9505 2B79 2AB2
New Careful. With all that straw, you'll start a fire.

Microsoft Vista. The best reason ever to buy a Mac.
New Just keeping myself warm
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
New You really should've followed my link.
New Seen that before.
Wishful thinking, I'm sure.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
New the cop was the prostitute, he was the customer
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 51 years. meep

reach me at [link|mailto:bill.oxley@cox.net|mailto:bill.oxley@cox.net]
     The Republicans should just disband the Party and go home. - (Another Scott) - (22)
         Can you tell me whats missing in this? - (bepatient) - (16)
             I don't see any mention of prostitution there... -NT - (Another Scott) - (15)
                 true, just crooked politicos - (bepatient) - (14)
                     I'm not going to play that game. - (Another Scott) - (13)
                         Deal is - (bepatient) - (2)
                             On trusting the media reporting... - (Another Scott)
                             Nah, I think you missed the real issue why people care - (crazy)
                         LOL - (Simon_Jester) - (9)
                             Not quite, but close - (bepatient) - (7)
                                 The fact that he was DHS is/was relevant. - (mmoffitt) - (4)
                                     And so reporting... - (bepatient) - (3)
                                         Duh... - (folkert)
                                         Careful. With all that straw, you'll start a fire. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                                             Just keeping myself warm -NT - (bepatient)
                                 You really should've followed my link. -NT - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                                     Seen that before. - (bepatient)
                             the cop was the prostitute, he was the customer -NT - (boxley)
         we are talking bj's here move along nothing to see -NT - (boxley) - (4)
             Thats true, they don't count. -NT - (bepatient) - (3)
                 wait thats not true... - (boxley) - (2)
                     Maybe it was research? :-) -NT - (bepatient) - (1)
                         maybe, sounds like he has searched it before -NT - (boxley)

Dubplate pop out a mash up di dancehall. Crowd de pon di receiving end dema a bawl.
68 ms