But something a bit different from a Union, more like a group of workers fed up with management without all those corruption factors that a Union has.

I say we form a picket line, and get a list of Megacorps that abuse their employees and make working conditions unfair or hazardous to our health. They we send people who are uninstalled to march out in front of those Megacorps with picket signs. Signs that say "X Corp is trying to work its IT workers to death!" or "Downsize managers too!", etc. get some web sites created, get a few stories full of facts to send to the media and hope that they print it, and are not completely taken over by the Billionares Boys Club. Get the truth out there the same way that [link|http://www.infect-truth.com|Infect Truth] does about cigarette smoking. You know a Consumer Group or something that gets people to boycott the products and or services of the Megacorps that abuse its workers.