What was your grand scheme to get the guy, presuming you do indeed want to get him?I think I've been over that enough times.
And if you never really wanted to go to Afghanistan to take away his base of operations, what number of Americans are you willing to sacrifice in the next terrorist incident?Well, you see, >MY< goal was to STOP the terrorist attacks by not creating NEW terrorists.
And that requires that >WE< do not kill innocent civilians.
How many Afghanis are you willing to sacriface to the Pashtun -led Taliban?As many as it takes for THEM to decide to change. Remember, >WE< were supporting the Taliban before. Which gets back to my points about us not fucking with their politics. Sometimes, you do have to let them sort themselves out.
Why don't you explain to us how many Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras, etc. you are willing to have tortured and killed by the Taliban and Al Qaeda because there might be civilian casualities if the U.S. tried to stop it?Again, as many of them as they are willing to accept. This isn't about us. This is about them.
The only reason we were involved is that we want the oil.
Which is also the reason that we switched from targeting ObL to replacing the government in Afghanistan.
And don't try telling me that we're there to help the Afghan people. Where were we last year? Do you think they didn't stone women last year?
Or the year before?
Or the year before that?
We aren't there to "save" any Afghans (or Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras, etc).
We knew about how they were treating their people years ago. We did nothing.
Don't try to claim moral high ground now. You just look stupid.