'Quake, Quake, Quake': illustrated by Gorey
A Leaden Treasury of English Verse by Paul Dehn ['58] has provided wry solace for that [-] slope, ever since it began. Ex:
Earth has many a noble city,
Old and gabled, new and tall,
Eastern, western ... what a pity
Earth must shortly lose them all
Ah well.. they hadn't grokked nuclear WInter then nor could they have anticipated the New! New! perpetual equatorial-Summer (supplanting that earlier expectation--still around.)
Maybe ya just gots to accustom to an apocalypse, with every Regime-change?
Hmmm as the temp goes Up, why not just do the nuclear-winter thing? then, on average: lower population, OK temps.
Next the species could try umm, discorporation via Too-much moderation?