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New Is Rush Limbaugh right?
[link|http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2007/05/23/immigration/index.html?source=newsletter| Salon].

Is Rush Limbaugh right?

Could immigration really be the issue that finally cracks the Republican base? It's already making the party's '08 contenders act funny.

By Thomas F. Schaller

May 23, 2007 | On his radio talk show last Friday, dittohead in chief Rush Limbaugh was working himself into quite a lather. The subject? Immigration reform, specifically the controversial immigration bill now before the Senate -- or, as Limbaugh dubbed it, the Comprehensive Destroy the Republican Party Act. Though Limbaugh pummeled his usual targets on the left, complaining that the current immigration reform proposal was yet another Ted Kennedy-led scheme to destroy America, Limbaugh was also unsparing toward national Republicans:

At the end of the day here, what we're talking about is the marginalization, if not the destruction, of the Republican Party. Look, it's time to be blunt here. I said I'm going to stop carrying the water last November, and I'm not carrying the water. The current crop of Republican leaders has not only lost the Congress, the current crop of Republican leaders is on the way to destroying the base by signing on to this kind of legislation.

This is not the first time I've heard this sentiment. Before the 2006 midterms, a leader of a prominent national conservative organization told me flatly that conservatives were willing to choke down their disgust with Bush till the votes were counted, but afterward, win or lose, they would be silent no more. Sure enough, post-election, Limbaugh and others gave vent to some of their more unkind feelings about the president and his party. And now, thanks to immigration reform, the volume of complaints has risen to a roar. As soon as the details of the painstakingly negotiated bipartisan proposal began to trickle out last week, talk radio and the right half of the blogosphere went ballistic, saying the bill meant de facto amnesty for illegal aliens. Furious members of the Republican rank and file began talking about last straws and using "impeachment" and "Bush" in the same sentence.

For the past three decades, Republicans have carefully sidestepped the kinds of issues that could divide a party's followers from its Beltway elites -- and expertly deployed the same wedge issues against the Democrats. Now the party's 2008 front-runners are in trouble, one of Karl Rove's long-term strategic goals is in doubt, and the foot soldiers are close to open revolt, all thanks to one uniquely radioactive wedge issue. Could Limbaugh's warning about a great unraveling be true?

"The Republican strategy on immigration has been one of the great failures of modern politics," says Simon Rosenberg, president of the New Democrat Network, which has organized a systematic outreach campaign to Hispanic voters. "What's going on in the Republican Party is a debate between the strategists who want to win and a part of their base that is extremely xenophobic."

Immigration is especially perilous for the GOP because it is what might be called a "double-edged" wedge issue. It not only pits the party's base against a large and quickly growing pool of potential new Republicans -- 41 million Hispanics -- but also pits two key parts of the existing base against each other. The Wall Street wing of the GOP, which finances the party, wants to keep open the spigot of pliant and cheap Spanish-speaking labor.
[And ya can't get more Repo than that - except, why stop at the little brown people?]
It finds itself opposed by much of the Main Street wing, which provides millions of crucial primary and general election votes and would like to build a fence along the Mexican border as high as Lou Dobbs' ratings or the pitch of Pat Buchanan's voice. And it's simply impossible for any political party to win if it has to choose between money and votes.

[More ...]
Class warfare, this time with effective communications - counterbalancing the vast hoard of $$ up there with the 2% <> against the hordes: the futchah?

Let's hear some rilly nasty racist Murican-grade shit blurted out about these 41M peones, after a few of those $25 Martinis ... muttered just a bit too close to a cel fone camera. Love. It.

New the republicans might get the party back from the wackos?
classic republican is a small government, nobody peeking in our bedroom windows to see what we are doing and believed our money was ours.
That party was hijacked by the jackbooted democrats swarming away from the 1964 civil rights act. Now if the racists, religo whack jobs and neocons leave the party wont have the votes, but it will be a decent party again.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 51 years. meep

reach me at [link|mailto:bill.oxley@cox.net|mailto:bill.oxley@cox.net]
New Interesting view
that in order to believe that these immigrants are violating the law and should be targeted for said violations and deported one must be a racist.

In order to be disturbed that 50 cents of every dollar in some locations goes to help people who cannot be bothered to fill out some paperwork, leaving not enough money for actual citizens to get the help they need one must necessarily be a racist.

And we thought there was something in the water in St Louis. Methinks there might also be a taint in your neighborhood.

Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
New Re: Interesting view ?___wonder whose it is..
(Reply, as result of inferences in That Other mangled thread. I didn't think that fulmination merited much of an answer.)

I'll play to your game now, and see if I can parse these quips down to rilly simple Econ $levels, where inevitably - you are constrained in all matters. I said, merely:
Class warfare, this time with effective communications - counterbalancing the vast hoard of $$ up there with the 2% <> against the hordes: the futchah?

Let's hear some rilly nasty racist Murican-grade shit blurted out about these 41M peones, after a few of those $25 Martinis ... muttered just a bit too close to a cel fone camera. Love. It.

Foremost - if you imagine that this current ""Immigration"" brouhaha is about 'closing borders' and some handy digital answer of that ilk - then you really Are terminally formulaic.

IMO, Underlying this lead-in topic, every time it comes up is -- our record on slavery / the demonstrated willingness of Murican forebears to buy all those patently false stereotypes (like 'low IQs', for just one) - from which to create their other smarmy rationalizations for, simply:
sustained bestial acts against humans Just Like Themselves, but humans mostly.. quite-less-Nasty.

Even after abolition, 'citizenship' was never fully honored for [all. people. of color.], and.. not just up to Emmett Till nor by the '60s Freedom Rides ... or even 20 years after those. Ex:

'Caging' was used by the Rove army in last year's election - whose manipulated results may have been as bogus, in limiting the landslide-against numerical outcome - as was the 2000 one (with all its other overt roadblocks).

The 2% (and especially the top-10% of those actual managers of Murican political outcomes) may or may not possess today more enlightened views of humankind, generally -- than the earlier Robber Barons -- but manifestly this group will do all in their Large power to maintain the accelerating process of National Wealth concentration Upwards.

You cannot successfully promulgate any feasible alternative to the "keep em illegal and desperate, so we can continue to pay them shit-wages" -- a handy trend as see reaching up to the wearers-of-suits now, if I am not mistaken in my readings of the newsfotainment of recent years.)

Not silly to try, of course -- but to the extent we already Are a corporatocracy? (precursor to a few other isms) -- serious changes towards improved earnings of the poorest 20% and treatment of 'all races' equitably: are about as likely to occur as - CIEIOs reducing their pay to a mere 20X that of the people who make all their fiefdoms Work out At All.

'Amnesty' is just that familiar code word du jour re this extremely embarrassing topic, a topic which goes far beyond mere 'immigation rules' or walls or desiderata.
It's code akin to 'support the troops' (keep them in an endless and lost war - and Trust Me\ufffd') -- a bit of bafflegab which, while so very Lame-on-inspection, is currently still confounding the wimpy (as well as not-usually-wimpy) DC-type democrats. We're still the TerrySchiavo kinda ditzy place.

It's 'Hard', innit?
(to quote another whiner we've had to hear since the first selection 6 years ago)
to do much better than these stupid word-murder games which only Muricans deem to be 'political discourse': if half your populace care not to register - and half the rest sorta sometimes show up, if they get through the filters.

Scott's, others' careful research in the Dope-pusher thread utterly swamps your lame yes-buts, IMO -- maybe there's hope for some useful examination of 'Immigration', here sometime. In some untainted new thread. Eh, mebbe it's all done.

Oh, re my second quip? could Pavlov have wished for more? -- inventing some imagined POV for moi -- from my general comment on nothing more sinister than..

~how, in retard-Murica: such large issues are Usually smothered in stupid stereotypes Like This One.


I Who Be
(but not.. What you love to imagine)

New illegal somehow denotes criminality
can someone point out in federal law which criminal code is being broken by overstaying a visa or swimming to republica del norte? I get confused on this.
Uncivil is a better adjective I think.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 51 years. meep

reach me at [link|mailto:bill.oxley@cox.net|mailto:bill.oxley@cox.net]
New Both parties are divided
Immigration does not fit into the Democratic-Left/Republican-Right split. Both parties have pro-Immigration and anti-Immigration parts that don't get along.

For the Democrats it is no human is illegal liberals vs union democrats. For the Republicans it is the good for economy economists vs the Law and Order types. In each case there is also a radical fringe that the party would rather pretend doesn't exist.

The Republicans seem to be having a harder time with it though because pits the law and order rank and file against the pro-business leadership. On the Democratic side the split goes the whole way up the party and isn't quite as big.

     Is Rush Limbaugh right? - (Ashton) - (5)
         the republicans might get the party back from the wackos? - (boxley)
         Interesting view - (bepatient) - (2)
             Re: Interesting view ?___wonder whose it is.. - (Ashton) - (1)
                 illegal somehow denotes criminality - (boxley)
         Both parties are divided - (JayMehaffey)

The feeling is there, but you have a long way to go to CRC's level.
40 ms