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New gotta problem need input from the crew
was politely informed by a long time employee that my habit of working 8 hr days while we have no immediate deadlines is not accepted practice. Me if I have no deadline in place he is lucky to see me at all. Since I am an employee and not a billable conslutant which I am unused to is eating at yer desk and being availble for any and all calls acceptable as a billable human hr. I have answered cell calls on the "pot" depending on who does the calling. I am commited to CS but am having a dificulty exressing that. One of the (claimed by the other whiners) also eats lunch at his desk and when asked a question while chewing replies that you have to come back after lunch. I dont see a personal need to be there in person more than 8 hrs a day unless needed, then I am 24x7. Am I over reacting?

Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New Re: gotta problem need input from the crew
Ask to see the policy where "accepted practice" is defined.

Assuming there's nothing in there demanding a 168hr work week, and that your work habits meet with your supervisor's approval, tell the plugger to go pound sand and mind his own damn business. Impolitely.
New the question after being put was
John and I have noticed that you arrive at 8 eat breakfast during our breakfast meeting and lunch at the regular time and leave at 4pm so how do ypu think working 35 hrs a week is Ok when we all put in 40?
My answer is going to be on my whiteboard unless disuaded
My understanding is that _____ employees are too stupid to chew food and work at the same time. In time__________ out time = in time plus infractions noticed, please email (fellow employee) so he can track infractions
I also have a bad case of bronchitus which I have been fighting all week and just sent the team an email asking if I was eating while watching wapner at lunch times means I only have to put in 7 hrs of leave time. :)
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New You could offer them some suitable remedies
- for constipation. Evidently something has backed up in their drainage system, and is plugging the sensory apparatus.

Sheesh - per West Wing: never argue with someone who's drunk or stupid.

('Course too - I admit rather complete ignorance of the colorful folkways & mores of the New repositories of Office excellence.. but Hey! - doesn't that qualify me as a Bizness Conslutant ??)

Striving for Excellence Ltd.
New Policy at my old job
8 hour work days, with one hour for lunch mandatory.

IOW, if you get in at 8, you leave at 5, whether you eat your lunch at your desk or not.

-scott anderson
New This is quite common.
30 min mandatory lunch here.

Bill, the place must have a spelled-out policy about what is considered a work day. Simply go with that. If they mandate a lunch period, then (if you like) take that time by yourself and don't let them disturb you. If they want to be sticklers about the work time on their end, then do the same on yours.

My $0.02.

New problem being the only mandate is I must be on site
between the hrs of 10 and 3 being Customer Service, the rest is folklore etc. What annoys the shit out of me is how many hrs I am there if they need me until midnight and beyond many times. Working 24 shifts to support people. When I interviewed here and the same 2 guys spoke with me I said if there is nothing to do I am not a person to hang around for the sake of form, I dont get overtime so dont expect me to be here more than 8 hrs. What really fscking annoys mr is that I have a cube accross from one of the alleged whiners and asked him a question he replied not now I am on lunch, his right but to me if I drive x miles everyday for a paycheck and dont get paid ot dont fscking annoy me when there is no crunch. Since this attitude will be examined and AT&T just announced another 2k+ layoffs this conversation is prolly acedemic. Time to get the fuck outta dodge.
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New Hang in there. Don't let it drive you nuts. :-)
New Since this isn't the religion forum...
there is only one commandment that matters: "Thou shall not offend against the notions of thy neighbor"

If you want to relax in slack time and go balls to the wall in crisis, that's fine, as long as it is generally recognized as your mode of employment. If not generally recognized, then it is your problem to get recogition, a new job with the proper requirements, or go with the general flow.

They don't need much of an excuse to beat the shit out of the different colored monkey...

It's not pretty, but it's an employer's market.

Evaluate your needs and the market for your skills; go from there. If you are perceived to have "a bad work ethic", you are probably on short time anyhow... no matter how good you are.

just my POV,

New IMO they should pick one
"They" being the people in charge, not some random "longtime employee."

What I mean is, either you watch the clock or you don't. If you watch the clock, you come in at x:00 am, and you leave at y:00 pm. If you don't watch the clock, you come in by some reasonable time, stay 'til your work is done and leave. If your work isn't done 'til late, you stay late. But if your work is done early, you leave early. It's not reasonable to say you work "at least from x to y, unless there's more work, then you stay late."

Pick one and live with it.

This is my sig. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
New ...and document it until the heat blows over.
That's her, officer! That's the woman that programmed me for evil!
New Was he your line manager? Or somewhere above you at all?
No? And your line manager is satisfied with your work and your work hours? Then you shouldn't have anything to worry about.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New lesser in title equal in fact -m
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New He's just a co-worker???
and a subordinate one at that????

Politely tell him to take a very long walk off the edge of the Grand Canyon.


I have no choice!

New we go round and round time to time :)
It is just nice to have a group that doesnt have a dog in that race to bounce these things off of. I make up my mind on issues very quickly but would like to make sure in some cases wether I am over reacting.
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
     gotta problem need input from the crew - (boxley) - (14)
         Re: gotta problem need input from the crew - (Steve Lowe) - (2)
             the question after being put was - (boxley) - (1)
                 You could offer them some suitable remedies - (Ashton)
         Policy at my old job - (admin) - (3)
             This is quite common. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 problem being the only mandate is I must be on site - (boxley) - (1)
                     Hang in there. Don't let it drive you nuts. :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
         Since this isn't the religion forum... - (hnick)
         IMO they should pick one - (drewk) - (1)
             ...and document it until the heat blows over. -NT - (tseliot)
         Was he your line manager? Or somewhere above you at all? - (static) - (3)
             lesser in title equal in fact -m -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                 He's just a co-worker??? - (bepatient) - (1)
                     we go round and round time to time :) - (boxley)

I was trying to read your bio when it got chucked clear off the screen by a Jimmy Dean sausage pancake.
58 ms