Looks like every other one I've seen, other than the Smalltalky bits. I really dislike systems that conflate HTML with code. I find them difficult to debug (where is this HTML coming from?) and difficult to rearrange when I want the page to look like something else.
I don't want it to look "something" like the HTML... I want to look at it and immediately understand what I'm getting. Difficult stuff can be put in a tag and called from the template.
Django's template system has a thing called [link|http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/templates/#template-inheritance|blocks] as well:
In a parent template:
{% block foo %}This is the default.{% endblock %}
Then inherit that parent, and replace the 'foo' block if you want to specialize:
{% block foo %}This is not the default.{% endblock %}
Very useful. Django templates have the added bonus of being output-neutral: use them for emails, CSV, whatever.