"I'm listening to what the generals are asking for."
Well, the generals who are asking, "Thank you sir, may I have another?" anyway.
Hmm, just realized that might not have been clear. What the generals are asking for is to not be in Iraq. Bush should try listening to them.
Kip Hawley is still an idiot.
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].

Edited by
April 12, 2007, 09:36:46 PM EDT
"I'm listening to what the generals are asking for."
Well, the generals who are asking, "Thank you sir, may I have another?" anyway.
Kip Hawley is still an idiot.
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].