Jesse Jackson showed his true colors, unfortunately.
I was a fan of Jesse Jackson in 1984 when he gave what I thought was one of the best political speeches I'd ever heard. I am no fan of him anymore after watching him on CNN last night. The Gen-Xer's show (Cooper? Anderson Cooper, perhaps?) asked Jackson if he thought he ought to apologize to the Duke Lacrosse team players whom he had previously called rapists. Jackson said, "No." So, if you're playing along at home, according to Jackson if you tongue-in-cheek quote some rapper as a sophomoric joke when describing college athletes, you need to be fired. If you go on teevee and radio and call some college athletes rapists, you don't need to be fired, you don't even need to apologize.
That's obscene.
It would seem, therefore, that the three human impulses embodied in religion are fear, conceit, and hatred. The purpose of religion, one might say, is to give an air of respectibility to these passions. -- Bertrand Russell