Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV), who traveled last week with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as part of her delegation to the Middle East, said this morning on C-Span that Pelosi told Bush of the trip to Syria a day before they left, and Bush did not object.
Rahall said, \ufffdThe Speaker had met with President Bush in the halls of the U.S. Capitol just the day before we left and mentioned to him that we were going to Syria. No response at all from the President.\ufffd
Despite the White House\ufffds public rhetoric that the trip was a \ufffdbad idea,\ufffd President Bush \ufffddid not tell her not to go, nor did the State Department tell us not to go,\ufffd Rahall said. \ufffdThe State Department was certainly aware of our traveling to Syria and our full itinerary. And there were State Department officials in every meeting that we had on this codel. So that is all hogwash as far as I\ufffdm concerned.\ufffd
CALLER: I am a Republican. And I thought under the Logan Act that Ms. Pelosi has committed a felony because under our Constitution, section 2 of the Constitution, that the president is the one who conducts \ufffd sends the people off, to conduct our foreign affairs. Now he told her he didn\ufffdt want her to go. That is a violation of the Logan Act. She should be hauled off in jail because if i was to commit a felony, i\ufffdd be hauled off and gone to jail.
RAHALL: First of all, that\ufffds baloney. We were in violation of no u.s. laws. Second of all, the President did not tell her not to go, nor did the State Department tell us not to go. There were three Republican members of Congress in Damascus a few days before our trip. There was a Republican member of Congress in Damascus meeting with the President after our trip.
The Speaker had met with President Bush in the halls of the U.S. Capitol just the day before we left and mentioned to him that we were going to Syria. No response at all from the President. The State Department was certainly aware of our traveling to Syria and our full itinerary. And there were State Department officials in every meeting that we had on this codel. So that is all hogwash as far as I\ufffdm concerned.