Post #281,111
4/9/07 7:06:48 PM

Not idiotic at all
Personally, I wouldn't call it idiotic to point out that by the criteria the repos are using now they should have criticized Gingrich back then also. He is pointing out that if it is a grave error now, it should have been a grave error then, no matter who made it.
Pointing that out it is obviously about their hypocrisy today. Of course they didn't say anything back then? Not only didn't they criticize the trip, they praised Gringrich for it. How do you go from praising Gringrich to condemning Pelosi without changing your ethics? That is the point of the article, and certainly is not idiotic.
One republican had the stones to say the criticism of the Pelosi trip was BS.
Post #281,128
4/9/07 8:45:59 PM

Yes it is
Its politics. The Reps are gonna criticize the Dems for this, and IIRC the dems were critical when Newt did it last decade. Were they AS critical? Did Clinton say exactly the same thing as Bush?
Who cares?
To somehow think that it is hypocritical now that the Reps didn't say anything to Newt 10 years ago is mental masturbation at its finest. OF COURSE THEY didn't. He was on their side. Its politics. DUH!
Of course the criticism is bs. Its politics. Synonyms.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #281,188
4/9/07 11:26:27 PM

The repos are saying this is more than mere partisan politics. If that is true now, it was true then.
Post #281,195
4/10/07 12:38:12 AM

What a shocker.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #281,209
4/10/07 7:23:40 AM

Post #281,232
4/10/07 12:36:45 PM

I am probably gonna regret this
To somehow think that it is hypocritical now that the Reps didn't say anything to Newt 10 years ago is mental masturbation at its finest. OF COURSE THEY didn't. He was on their side. Its politics. DUH! Occasionally politicians rise above partisan politics to criticize members of their own party, esp about foreign policy. They weren't just silent about it, they back him up because of what they felt was Clinton's diplomatic failings. The only reason they are taking the approach they are using now is because they don't want Bush's utterly massive failings with this fiasco that he wrought upon us to be criticized. To point out that the current criticism is hypocritical using reminders from the past is more than mere mental masturbation because of the seriousness of the mess Bush has put us in. It maybe naive to think it will work, but it is facile to think that this is mere politics.
Post #281,240
4/10/07 2:10:53 PM

Its the very definition of politics
Especially in the current environment. Any opening you have to blame the other side is leveraged to the hilt.
Its is indeed a sad testimony of what our representative government has become. Even worse is I don't see anyone on either side that seems interested in changing it.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #281,285
4/10/07 5:23:12 PM

Its not the only definition of politics
It certainly is the default. Asking politicians to use a different definition maybe naive but it is not idiotic.
I was going to use the tilting at wind mills line, but I didn't think people would sense the irony.
Post #281,287
4/10/07 6:18:52 PM

Ok. Call me Imus
I used too strong a statement.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #281,292
4/10/07 6:49:10 PM

Imus you're not
Post #281,299
4/10/07 8:52:55 PM

True, I'm not crusty, mean and loaded.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #281,311
4/10/07 10:18:51 PM

Re: "don't see anyone on either side that seems..
interested in changing it"
Well, "the uniter" said he was going to change that. But he became "the decider" and lied about the first part!
When fascism comes to America, it'll be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. -- Sinclair Lewis
Post #281,338
4/11/07 8:03:11 AM

Among other things.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew