The US is not investing - good people are leaving. My most recent hobby is yacht control and automation systems. Nav, radios, autopilots. Where are these firms moving? They are expecting to head to Dubai as it is expected to surpass Ft Lauderdale as the world HQ for the marine industry by at least 50%.
I"m a mentor for Google Summer of Code. Nearly all applications came from outside the US. I guess the 'murican students are gonna be too busy surfing to work on code.
Ruby comes from Japan ya know.
Python comes from a Dutch guy.
Lua is kinda popular for embedding - Argentina I think.
What came from the US? Oh right - Enterprise Java Beans. Well, maybe not - an Indian did that I think. Still, Gosling is murican.
Oh and Perl - Larry Wall is murican too.
Still, we're not really DOMINATING the way we did. And we still can't get decent cell phones or broadband as easily as in many other countries.