I am sure you don't
I didn't comment on whether the administration acted as it should have, I believe the only asked for input on policy from those who agree with them. A polar opposite of a president such as Lincoln. I think a presidential administration has the duty to seek out as much input as possible when it come a important national priority such as energy. They did not.
I also didn't comment on the intelligence of the american public. When it comes to politics, it seems to be disinterested in looking at the why behind the actions of politicians. Why they are disinterested I didn't offer an opinion. My comment was about how it seems to me that this administration only says what they think their base wants to hear.
I believe we the people deserve a government where what that government does and how it decides what it does needs to be done is open to inspection and debate.
A don't believe in witch hunts. Please leave your issues out of my comments.

Edited by
March 25, 2007, 02:12:06 PM EDT
I am sure you don't
I didn't comment on whether the administration acted as it should have, I believe the only asked for input on policy from those who agree with them. A polar opposite of a president such as Lincoln. I think a presidential administrationhas the duty to seek out as much input as possible when it come a important national prioirty such as energy. They did not.
I also didn't comment on the intelligence of the american public. When it comes to politics, it seems to be disinterested in looking at the why behind the actions of politicians. Why they are disinterested I didn't offer an opinion. My comment was about how it seems to me that this administration only says what they think their base wants to hear.
I believe we the people deserve a government where what that government does and how it decides what it does needs to be done is open to inspection and debate.
A don't believe in witch hunts. Please leave your issues out of my comments.