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New Courts are not likely to be involved unless...
a crime has occurred. So, until it is shown the White House may be involved in criminal activity, the courts will say "Work it out, boys!".

When fascism comes to America, it'll be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. -- Sinclair Lewis
New Refusing to testify is a crime
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
     If Bush was not involved in decision to fire AGs...., - (Silverlock) - (22)
         Got Civics? -NT - (bepatient) - (21)
             What does Honda have to do with this? -NT - (Silverlock) - (20)
                 As in school class that teaches you how gov't works. - (bepatient) - (19)
                     Aide to exec, about items never under discussion with exec - (Silverlock) - (3)
                         Its the branch, not simply the Pres. -NT - (bepatient) - (2)
                             Clinton would've been happy for your expert opinion -NT - (Silverlock) - (1)
                                 She was...and it saved her. - (bepatient)
                     Exec Privilege - (Seamus) - (14)
                         I know that. - (bepatient) - (13)
                             Doesn't seem that way - (Seamus) - (12)
                                 Courts are not likely to be involved unless... - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                                     Refusing to testify is a crime -NT - (bepatient)
                                 Thats why there are 3 branches - (bepatient) - (9)
                                     That's not what Bush is claiming - (Seamus) - (8)
                                         So? -NT - (bepatient) - (7)
                                             So it gets back to the Q - (Seamus) - (6)
                                                 They are calling his direct staff. - (bepatient) - (5)
                                                     So? - (Seamus) - (4)
                                                         So Rove is not White House staff now? -NT - (bepatient) - (3)
                                                             You missed my point - (Seamus) - (2)
                                                                 a link - (boxley) - (1)
                                                                     That is the why he chose to negotiate - (Seamus)

My Mom, who is vacationing in Aruba...
41 ms