Pshaw.. nothing cat-astrophic there; no felineous assault - - it's all in your pron reptile minds.

I turned to the only legit consultant on this issue, Sierra - conveniently having a lap fix, after being on her own all day. Size of CRT image was about right for the distance, too.

She was all zoned out, then heard the pat-a-pat-a; craned head around.
Watched about half the flic - intently, I'd say; then slowly turned head around and up, looked at me for ~ 3 sec, shrugged ... returned to complete cat-hartic nirvana. (I can't but believe: that she recognized A Cat "There" - but, of course no proof she could grok that this cat Liked whatever was going on. I'd suppose so, though - she certainly knows cat body language better than any biped could.)

As to my 3 meows worth: ever note how Strong is a cat's neck muscles?
(This one likes her neck kneaded surprisingly hard, never missing a purr-riff.)

Will have to try out a couple shingles/paddles - see if there's anything universal in concatga drumming.. wtf, she also clearly prefers Mozart to bubble-gum music -- why not a percussion freak?
