...ill-thought-out, I can't understand how the fuck you could keep your temper and reply in such civil tones to that utterly stpuid drivel. FAICS, he fucking *deserved* to be flamed off the surface of the planet.
And WTF is this cooltechzone.com site all about? The motto they proudly proclaim right under their name in the upper-left corner of the page is "Know Technology"... But if that article is representative of the level of "knowledge" on the site, then I'm glad I've never been there before.
And, unfortunately, it seems to be: Under "Today's Top Stories", the follow-up to this drivel you so easily refuted is "[link|http://www.cooltechzone.com/Departments/Featured_Story/Apple_Ready_to_Kill_OS_X?_200702282811/|Apple Ready to Kill OS X?]" (By the same guy; is he the one-man-band behind the whole site?) Here's a gem from that one: "Apple is back in news again with its highly anticipated iPhone. Where does that leave the operating system?" Well, fuckwit, for one thing, the damn phone *RUNS* OS/X...
Sheesh. Remind me never to go to that site any more.
And don't you waste any more of your energy discussing with idiots like that either, Greg -- the world is far too full of them.