Right... It's a temporary increase
Like a temporary increase from the telephone company. It's only temporary; the rollback will come. It'll happen. Really. But first they need another temporary increase. Eventually the telco goes away. Eventually we'll leave Iraq. But Bush will do everything in his power to either put off the actual pullout until the next reprobate does it, or he thinks he can actually be able to claim a victory of some sort.
Only out of curiosity, you understand, what makes you think the Republican party can make Bush do anything at all? The dumbos have both houses. He can carry on as usual and blame everything on them. If he really fucks up, the republicritters can smear the next dumbo candidate to death with how bad they did when they had power.
There is absolutely no control over him any more. He is a vain, intellectually lazy underachiever who is only interested now in securing a legacy. There is no doubt in my mind that he can hunker down and wait for the next turkey to take the heat. In the mean time, he can continue to curry favor with the big guys that got him in in the first place. Wouldn't want to piss them off. He may need to get bailed out sometime in the future.
My tiny bits of copper alloy as usual...