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New Sheesh... Learn to fucking read, fuckwit.
"I must say, I was a bit surprised that they apparently couldn't do it -- at least not very easily. (And no, "they" here means the Unix utilities, not our Unix gurus. Had the former been able to do it, then the latter also would have been.)"

Actually, I'm sure I (and any of the other Unix people) could figure it out using your limited tool choices. After seeing Scott do OO programming in a variety of languages, I'm sure he could torture sed to do the task.
"Actually", you illiterate fucking baboon, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I SAID.

Re-read the *whole* paragraph, including the parenthesis, s-l-o-w-l-y.

Well, no... *MOST* of you aren't -- but *you*, on the other hand -- you obviously are.

Get back to me when you've mastered Remedial English For Eighth-Graders, but not before.

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Ah, the Germans: Masters of Convoluted Simplification. — [link|http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/?p=1603|Jehovah]
New I bow to the greater man
At least the jowlier one.

Your mastery of English far exceeds mine.

Too bad you're still a text munging wannabe.
New You got some of that exactly bass-ackwards(*) - hey, why...
...am I not surprised...? Oh, but here's a surprising bit -- you got some of it exactly right: Yes, my mastery of English does indeed far exceed yours.

But thinking I'm a "text munging wannabe" is as backwards(*) as it gets: I'm normally a text-munging NOT-wannabe, but unfortunately in this case I was a text-munging GOTTAbe.

(*): And isn't that -- the original, un-funnified plain version "ass-backwards" -- a bloody stupid expression, BTW? Having one's ass backwards is the CORRECT position for that part of the body; when something is all the wrong way around, it must be ass-FORWARDS!

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Ah, the Germans: Masters of Convoluted Simplification. — [link|http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/?p=1603|Jehovah]
     Fuck you too... [Edit: Also, fucking Admin.] - (CRConrad) - (19)
         KissKiss -NT - (crazy)
         Yeah, that one pisses me off too. -NT - (admin)
         I think you made the classic mistakes... - (static) - (16)
             Land war in Asia? ;-) -NT - (n3jja) - (1)
                 That too. -NT - (static)
             Nah, I was fully expecting our gurus to enlighten me on sed. - (CRConrad) - (13)
                 Cart before the horse. - (crazy) - (12)
                     Piss off and die, you stupid asshole. - (CRConrad) - (10)
                         "gurus" are plural. - (crazy) - (9)
                             "gurus" /is/ plural. - (pwhysall) - (1)
                                 A babbling, bumbling band of baboons. -NT - (bionerd)
                             Huh? WTF are you gibbering about? - (CRConrad) - (6)
                                 Oh puhleeeeeeze - (crazy) - (5)
                                     You went off too fast. - (bepatient) - (1)
                                         Thhppptttt - (crazy)
                                     Sheesh... Learn to fucking read, fuckwit. - (CRConrad) - (2)
                                         I bow to the greater man - (crazy) - (1)
                                             You got some of that exactly bass-ackwards(*) - hey, why... - (CRConrad)
                     <M.Python restaurant sketch>.. good thing I didn't mention - (Ashton)

If this chat room were a game, it would be "half-life".
47 ms