>> Naah, he was probably born with a mind that was *[good] for programming*. That's what OOP is; a codification of "best practices" from pre-OO programming. <<
Then why do you CRC have a preference for Delphi over Smalltalk? Sure, I could probably buck up and go with the OOP flow to get by (I'll never be a star perhaps), but that still doesn't answer the question of why X is allegedly better than Y.
BTW, if it is truely "best practices" then it should be relatively easy to show how these practices improve maintenance over the other practices by showing the keystrokes/mousestrokes, typing, etc, that programmers go thru. I know this is a rather crude metric, but in the end that is what it always boils down to from an objective standpoint.
Grokability is generally *not* measurable in individuals, only in aggregate. Thus, what we have left is human body movements to perform various software maintanence tasks. Now, you may claim *most* people fit OOP better and the "left handers" just have to go along, but this is probably not true, and another topic.
>> How about you (at least try to) demonstrate [sic] what's *good* about *non*-OO programming, in stead of going off on yet another silly rant on what's "bad" about OOP? <<
I have a whole website with small examples. True, small examples are of limited value, but when we *do* get into the nitty gritty, the differences often appear to *subjective*. Things like, "if you do it that way, then you risk busting this stuff over here." Reply: "Yeah, but that rarely happens to me practice, so why should I worry about preventing that?" IOW, what F's person A up may *not* F person B up.
I have coined the term "mental ergonomics" for this. (Yeah yeah, I know, you don't like my coinages.)
>> a full-fledged example, from basic requirements to (at least an outline of) working code. <<
IMO, we should walk *before* running. The Reports example is a relatively good starting place. After we beat that one to death, then we can work up to something bigger.
Such a system could grow quite large anyhow as one tacks on one-off changes that the main framework cannot handle directly. Such one-off-ism is a primary complicator of biz software IME.
You are also welcome to present a King Delphi example also.