More like the other way around...
I sez:
What're you talking about?!? I called a mind (yours) "good"!
To which Arkadiy replies:
But you did it through calling my opponent's mind "not good".
Naah. It's vicey-versy; Through calling your mind "good for programming", I left a door open for someone to take away the impression that I don't think Bryce's is as good... But one doesn't *have* to. So, if one does, perhaps that tells more about the one who does so than about what I actually said, eh?
That's called the Fine Art of Implication. (Or was it tFAoInnuendo?)
I will not be the one to flame you, you see? But the flames will fly anyway, and whatever small possibilioty of understanding we currently have would be lost.
Lissen, Ark, when you've been around Bryce for as long as I have -- which is five years, now -- maybe you'll realise that there IS NO, however small, possibility of understanding with Bryce.
And by then you'll certainly know in your bones that most people some times, and some people most of the time -- no prizes for guessing which category I think Bryce belongs to -- DESERVE to be flamed.