\r\n\r\nYou postulate inchoate binary slogans?
No, I vertically integrate leveraged B2B strategies to focus on core competencies.
\r\n\r\nSeriously, though, Peter's got a point here. People who know the physics but slept through the philosophy are nicely complementing people who know the philosophy but read the physics in <cite>New York Times</cite> articles, and the result is lots of mumbo-jumbo that only sounds respectable if your criterion is "uses lots of big words".
\r\n\r\nAnd unfortunately, philosophy of mind is currently rife with these sorts of folks who, while they provide a nice counterpoint to the equally-stupid eliminative materialists, need to go back and re-read their Wittgenstein -- whereof they do not know, they should keep silent.
\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nI see an earnest attempt to try to collect some phenomena that may.. be related to The Mystery (of why there is anything at all.) The screed Cannot / Could not ever "describe the Real"
Whenever I see someone talk about "the Real" I want to beat them over the head with Kant's Critiques. Yeah, there is in all likelihood a "Real" out there. No, we ain't ever gonna get at it. Yes, it's a fundamental limitation of what we are. The best we can ever manage is rigorous empirical testing that lets us conclude "well, it seems to work this way, but we could still be wrong about that". The Truth is out There in the continuinuinuinuum, and it's all very quantum. Accept it and move on.
\r\n\r\n(can you tell I don't care much for metaphysics?)