(Simultaneously, an irrational number and, a voiceless consonant)
By the time you mix-in the dualities..
light as wave/photon (as can be demonstrated simultaneously, with a light source and a simple slit: a wavicle?), toss in a soup\ufffdon of the probabilistic, aka Indeterminacy \ufffd l\ufffd Heisenberg - then slather on G\ufffddel - as renders indeterminate even.. simple arithmetic:
We get the fine bumper sticker, Logic is never.. {quite} enough
If logic Itself operates mainly then, as a Special Case? (ie it works where.. it Works) Well, there goes all that Certainty- fantasy, cherished by millions.. Instituted in ivied Halls {Stet Fortvna Domus} and in the jelloware of every religio zealot.
So it appears that all this guy is trying to hint at is..
We Don't Know Shit about 'Reality', now Do We ?!?
I can live with that.
Er, what was the Question?
Big Bang VS Steady State.?. or, say, 'personal god' VS [The Unknowable yet-Pervasive Source] of the Reason Why-there-even-Are! any discernible Laws, in 'Nature'.?.
{after all.. a particular 'universe' could as easily have been chaotic, so unstructured as to make impossible what we call 'liff' etc. Then there wouldn't be this massless, undetectable 'conversation' *here*: nothing to communicate between. You can't HAVE Information Theory in absence of jelloware. Especially where there is equivalence of mass == energy, ergo: i n t e r changeability.}
Pick your poison; you should have exhausted all the/your possibilities in another oh, half-century? (Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a car at 100 kph. You can..
But the wavelength of a dumb thought..? the mass of lust?)