The old girl is very likely to crumple in zones containing people, in the event of a serious collision.
Modern cars are very much better in that respect.
Well, I don't completely agree with that, because it really depends on where you are hit. My father was rearended by an Ambulance while driving his '68 Dodge and all that happened was a couple cuts in the rubber bumper of the Dodge. The Ambulance was smashed all in.
I've been hit in the door, the rear, and the side, and for the most part the strong metal frame has prevented any serious breach into the car. She's not invincible, true, but she keeps me pretty safe in my opinion. She doesn't have airbags, which is one of the new safety features of the new ones, but the roof is less likely to crumple in a roll over, and for the most part she takes impacts with little or no damage just as long as it isn't a semi-truck coming at me. ;)