(On Bill Moyers' 2 hour Capitol Crimes muckrake re de Lay and the money laundering trio; that Ralph Reed is a real Piece-of-Work -- all his Christian organizing was purely about 'seducing the chumps'. The three were college Repos out to change the world.. later: Get Rich first, then.. aw never mind on that first thing.)

As to Rummy's rhetorical style, clearly he fancies self literate - but his use of repetition gets a bit er, mis-overrepetitive-like-this sentence / thus ineffectual for launching of his next tissue of lies/wishes. Seems that all the Neocons run exclusively on fanciful musings; none has yet noticed that 'Reality' is ~like.. that which, if you stop believing in it -?- it doesn't go away.

A nation guided by smug raving assholes for 6 whole years.. Pile on? - any time.
I still think Wolfie was likely the most persuasive Svengali, initially -- at scrambling the impressionable wastrel's jelloware.
Especially re the Ease of this little "we'll probably be out in 3 months" dance. At least, had this happened in Nippon - they'd all have committed seppuku.
Here? it might have ended with a pretzel - except we weren't lucky.