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New I know it's piling on
But In just loved [link|http://www.rageboy.com/2006/11/election-2006.html|this clip] from then-Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld talking about how sure he was that they were building up weapons with the intent to attack us:
They've been busy in terms of thier level of effort. They've been busy in terms of the actual weapons that they've been producing. They've been busy in terms of expanding production rates. They've been busy in terms of expanding their institutional capability to produce additional weapons at additional rates. They've been busy in terms of expanding their capability to increasingly improve the sophisitcation of those weapons. Year after year after year they've been demonstrating that they have steadiness of purpose, that they're purposeful about what they're doing.

Now, your question is what ought one to be doing about that.
What, you don't recognize the quote? That's because he said it about the Soviets in 1976, the first time he was Secretary of Defense, while trying to justify the Star Wars missle defense system.

Kip Hawley is still an idiot.


Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
New Saw a clip on tube re his '02 <assurances> WMDs R THERE
(On Bill Moyers' 2 hour Capitol Crimes muckrake re de Lay and the money laundering trio; that Ralph Reed is a real Piece-of-Work -- all his Christian organizing was purely about 'seducing the chumps'. The three were college Repos out to change the world.. later: Get Rich first, then.. aw never mind on that first thing.)

As to Rummy's rhetorical style, clearly he fancies self literate - but his use of repetition gets a bit er, mis-overrepetitive-like-this sentence / thus ineffectual for launching of his next tissue of lies/wishes. Seems that all the Neocons run exclusively on fanciful musings; none has yet noticed that 'Reality' is ~like.. that which, if you stop believing in it -?- it doesn't go away.

A nation guided by smug raving assholes for 6 whole years.. Pile on? - any time.
I still think Wolfie was likely the most persuasive Svengali, initially -- at scrambling the impressionable wastrel's jelloware.
Especially re the Ease of this little "we'll probably be out in 3 months" dance. At least, had this happened in Nippon - they'd all have committed seppuku.
Here? it might have ended with a pretzel - except we weren't lucky.

     I know it's piling on - (drewk) - (1)
         Saw a clip on tube re his '02 <assurances> WMDs R THERE - (Ashton)

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