My auto insurance shouldnt go up because you cant drive
The current health care system is fucked, emergency rooms packed with indigent kids with ear infections,welfare queens running to neurosurgions because their hands sweat and they are 300 lbs etc
we need to simplify
County health departments staffed with Interns paying off student loans and elderly hacks doing colds runny noses, ordinary fractures, lice and standard bacterial infections paid out of tax funds. Any indigents showing up at emergency rooms get a quick triage and directions to a county clinic.
Joe public will learn to use these because a minimum payment of $5 to be seen is better than the $20 to see your hmo chosen quack.
continuum of health records, means that trends, infections etc are centrally tracked making epidemics easier to spot and a problematic ongoing health issue for an individual easier to spot.
Next step Doctors in private practice will be able to see their patients with adequate time to discuss thoroughly their needs because they only see the non easy stuff, they will charge more but see less patients, better chances to ensure they catch what is going wrong, specialists at the current rate. Private insurance will be cheaper to get for these visits because they dont have to fund the runny nose visits. People without private insurance are still eligable for medicare/medicaid because they will need a referal from the county clinic to see the doc. Since the feds pay that tab separately there is no incentive to not refer.
Health care costs will drop and stabilize. Hospitals can remain open. People can be treated with respect and properly.
my dos centavos,