I use Eudora with multiple accounts.
The free version has either ads in the top-corner, or no-ads and a lot of features missing (called Eudora Lite). I can't remember if multiple-accounts goes in Lite.
IIRC, Eudora has the market after Outlook and Outlook Express. It has security holes, but Qualcomm software are quick to patch them. The biggest and ugliest is the fact that it defaults to using the MS-HTML engine for displaying messages, but you can turn that off. It also sometimes has trouble with really huge mail folders, but although I've had it crash numerous times, it has never ever corrupted my email.
One nifty feature that you may be able to use as a selling point is multiple open folders. Eudora has an MDI within which you open messages and mail folders. Having multiple folders open is something not even Outlook does. The only snag with that is that Eudora's mail folder terminology is sometimes a bit wierd.
Eudora supports all the usual suspects: IMAP, POP3, SSL versions, etc etc.
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Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"