. . it's the venomous California Scorpionfish Scorpaena guttata. I knew that bastard looked familiar!
About 35 years ago a then co-worker (currently an important client) went out fishing on a boat owned by another co-worker. He promised to bring me some fish at the end of the day.
Indeed, they did catch fish and he came by and opened up his trunk. There were a number of sand bass - and two small ugly things with sharp spines sticking out all over.
He gave me a song and dance about how he had a family and all and needed the "good fish" for his family and he was really sorry about sticking me with these ugly things but he really needed the good fish for his family.
I nodded understandingly and allowed him to hand over to me what I already knew was the most delectable fish found off the Pacific coast of North America.
I cut fillets into chunks, heated up a fondue pot of light olive oil, skewered the pieces and - well, I was going to only eat the small one but I just couldn't help myself and I had soon eaten all - while giving thanks for the ignorance of others.
No, I never told him, but I did tell the story to his son a couple of months ago.