Then don't pursue women with dogs.
Real good advice that I'm already following. Singles ads that say "must love my dogs" translate to "Automatic Disqualification".
And for your other points:
1. I would much rather not be a dog owner than be a "responsible dog owner".
2. Every woman who's slept with me more than once has expected a delicious home cooked dinner with a nice bottle of wine - and that pretty much means it'll be served here. I don't expect that to change because that's the kind of women I attract - ones that are tired of cooking. Fortunately that's a really big pond with a lot of fish in it.
3. Fortunately most women don't snore much, I did tough it out for a long time with one who started with moderate intermittant snoring but over the years increased to a non-stop and non-stopable health destroying rhino-roar. Fortunately I was finally able to break off that long term relationship cleanly when she started expressing a strong opinion that my failure to support my President in time of war constituted treason.
So yeah, non-snoring non-dog owning would be really nice - as would be someone who shares my opinion that it's the President who's treasonous.
And speaking of dogs, I whish the Koreans next door would hurry up and eat the one they've got in their garage - it barks incessantly day and night.