Thou sayest
Hubris R'Us.
Best rebuttal to any such grand scheme that comes to mind -
Read the entire 20 Volume history of corn, starting with the original FOOD, then earliest 'hybrids' - then.. on through to now, folding in the health consequences to millions (just barely being noticed seriously, in past few years.)
Genes? corn has been entirely about the premeditated construction of the means of corporatization for-handy-packaging - while asserting control of the mods; while minimizing any serious investigation of the corn sugars on humans (and other animals.)
Now: it appears that the only longterm human-safe use for these megatonnages is apt to be a physics-nonsensical push for this ex-FOOD: making fuel! Shades of the current hydrogen scheme/dream. These fly because Muricans don't know shit about even basic physics.
We aren't Nearly! smart enough (or honest enough) or.. sane enough to extrapolate fruit fly experiments towards -specially- anything having to do with personal aggrandizement: I think that leaves out most projections, at least where capitalism is the major religion?
But ugly outcomes won't $top bizness, nor (likely) will distracted 'we'.
I can see $$ signs and VC checkbooks, already. I. See.
~~Dreams~~ of becoming the First Trillionaire
~~ and floating just ^above^
== the schematic for creation of the even-more-Docile Consumer:
who will spend 18 hours in a rilly-tiny cubicle. Complaisantly.