Yes I know, my friend, who killed himself in 1999, used to tell me that the 32 ounce drink was a Bladder-Buster. This was back in the early 80's when 7-11 had their 32 once Big Gulp and Fast Food joints didn't have anything over 24 ounces. He figured that the average human bladder could not hold more than 24 ounces. But I told him that he forgot how much the human stomach can hold on the backflow. :) But anyway it will require at least two trips to the bathroom if they get those 2 or 3 refills.
There are bigger than 32 ounce cups as well, like 48 and 64, but I won't get into that. I imagine that soon, they will sell a cup so large that it will take a rental on a helicopter to get it home. :)
Movie Theaters also started this trend. They figured that if they doubled the size of the popcorn or drink that they could triple the price. Then they raised the price of the smaller popcorn and drink products so that it was more economical to buy the larger sizes. The average US citizen is a consumer cow, and will buy whatever they are told to buy.
Spelling is unimportant to me, it is the content of the message. One can have perfect spelling, yet have crap for content.
Anyway people are suing tobacco companies for not putting warning labels on their products over 50 years ago. I guess it was recently, like 30 or 40 years ago that they put the "May cause cancer on lab rats" labels on them? Plus people have sued fast food joints over coffee being too hot, why not for their unhealthy food?
Healthy(er) food like Subway or Blimpies are better, but are basically cold cuts on a hero/subway sandwich bread.