Think it a fair statement that Roosevelt reflected no extreme view - from my experence growing up here, daily hearing the vox populi; it was not necessary even to use the ever-popular weasel euphemisms like 'darkies' for nigras/niggers; there was a wide assortment of nasty mouth-breather-grade 'nicks for Jews. I Heard Them All.

I concur - FDR was Everyman, in that regard.
(And, as our 'Conservatives' are today the 'Reactionaries' of that period when language had not been G\ufffdbbelsized to the extremes of '06: many are Still living 1940s slogans, from right here in Yuppie wine country --> to the wastelands of the Rust Belt.)

Maybe the transistorized-kids can skip a couple generations - having grown up with, become inured to? the lies on kiddie-ad-pushing Tee Vee for New Consumers. Maybe.