Last night, a magnificent performance of the [link|| Beaux Arts Trio] (of the stellar Schubert Op 100. Recorded at Indiana U. in 1986.) Three Jews.
Then.. all those physicists et alia.

Yep, as a post-toddler, initially adsorbing the prejudices cast in snarky speech-stone of my 'elders' - I could never find out What-it-Was that.. added the category 'Jew' to the lengthy rollcall of Muricans' xenophobic Hates-List (??)

(Actually I asked.. a few times - got back Microsoft-grade doublespeak; OK this was pre-M$ but That's what I recall it sounding like. Stopped asking, at least of any 'locals'.)

Currently, I notice a similar regression re 'smart Asian students' kicking-ass of the i-Pod-zoned-out crop of WASPS (white anglo-saxon protesters.) In brief, while in the US 'ethnicity' is quite enough for ostracism-by-degree - I've found no cohesive rationale for the 'Jew' class of obloquy - how it differs? from the standard knee-jerk process which issues a [-] to anyone not-just-like-Me.

I suppose this 'nonspecificality' is a Good Thing, in that Jews are just other Niggers, Spics, Liberals, Commies and the like - among the (48% of the [voting 48%]) who colored all the States Red (with a little help from Diebold.)

Equal-Opportunity Dissing, then: we're nothing if not consisently shallow. And gullible.

No words of revealed wisdom re the present conflagration - what can one say that's new? ... about 'adults' perpetually slaughtering over, Which is the *Real* Prince of Peace? As for air-conditioning deserts like Las Vegas and the M.E., words fail again.