Post #263,384
8/2/06 6:17:35 AM
8/2/06 6:23:24 AM
The Great Double Standard
[link||Edward Morrissey: This is the soft nihilism of low expectations]
...We want to see civilians spared the horrors of war, and we push combatants to take all possible steps to achieve that end. The Geneva Conventions have that explicit mandate, and the world should remain constantly \ufffd and consistently \ufffd vigilant.
Unfortunately, the global community has failed miserably at this task, and this war not only highlights that failure, but springs from it. While the world holds Israel to this standard, things become curiously silent when it\ufffds time to hold Hezbollah responsible for its conduct of war. Hardly a word has escaped from the U.N. or Europe on the 2,500 missiles that have rained down upon Israeli civilians, deliberately targeted by Hezbollah. Those attacks have displaced more than 300,000 civilians, a fact the global community and the mainstream media ignore.
Those who argue that Israel has occasionally violated the Geneva Conventions in its attacks casually ignore the blatant violations of Hezbollah, whose combatants wear no uniform, deliberately hide in civilian populations and fire weapons from residential areas. Hezbollah conducts none of its operations within the rules of war \ufffd and yet world leaders and the media never mention it.
Why? Because no one expects terrorists to follow the rules. This is the soft nihilism of low expectations.
This creates an impossible double standard for Israel and political victories. In order to defeat terrorists, Israel will have to engage them when they attack, wherever that happens to be. In their effort to zealously apply the rules of war to only one side, the global community doesn\ufffdt act to reduce the tragedies of civilian casualties, it increases them by encouraging Hezbollah\ufffds tactics. The terrorists counted on precisely this response, which dictates their tactics and strategy to this moment.
The Lebanese caught in this vise should seek redress in Beirut. Unfortunately, the same global community that castigates Israel for unintentional collateral damage has let the Lebanese government off the hook for failing to disarm Hezbollah, as demanded by Security Council resolution 1559. Had the Saniora government done so, this war would never have started. And while the Lebanese Army would have difficulty with that task, Beirut never asked for any assistance in meeting its obligations.
If the world wants to live without terrorism, it needs to stop enabling terrorists with disproportionate criticism of civilized nations that wage war within established limits. This soft nihilism of low expectations encourages non-state actors to engage sovereign nations, knowing that the world will not allow the nations to fight terrorism effectively.
The important point here is not the fact that there is a double standard (there undoubtedly is). Rather, that the world's reaction to civilians being killed only encourages groups like Hezbollah to continue with these tactics because they work.
Edited by bluke
Aug. 2, 2006, 06:23:24 AM EDT
The Great Double Standard
[link||Edward Morrissey: This is the soft nihilism of low expectations]
...We want to see civilians spared the horrors of war, and we push combatants to take all possible steps to achieve that end. The Geneva Conventions have that explicit mandate, and the world should remain constantly and consistently vigilant.
Unfortunately, the global community has failed miserably at this task, and this war not only highlights that failure, but springs from it. While the world holds Israel to this standard, things become curiously silent when its time to hold Hezbollah responsible for its conduct of war. Hardly a word has escaped from the U.N. or Europe on the 2,500 missiles that have rained down upon Israeli civilians, deliberately targeted by Hezbollah. Those attacks have displaced more than 300,000 civilians, a fact the global community and the mainstream media ignore.
Those who argue that Israel has occasionally violated the Geneva Conventions in its attacks casually ignore the blatant violations of Hezbollah, whose combatants wear no uniform, deliberately hide in civilian populations and fire weapons from residential areas. Hezbollah conducts none of its operations within the rules of war and yet world leaders and the media never mention it.
Why? Because no one expects terrorists to follow the rules. This is the soft nihilism of low expectations.
This creates an impossible double standard for Israel and political victories. In order to defeat terrorists, Israel will have to engage them when they attack, wherever that happens to be. In their effort to zealously apply the rules of war to only one side, the global community doesnt act to reduce the tragedies of civilian casualties, it increases them by encouraging Hezbollahs tactics. The terrorists counted on precisely this response, which dictates their tactics and strategy to this moment.
The Lebanese caught in this vise should seek redress in Beirut. Unfortunately, the same global community that castigates Israel for unintentional collateral damage has let the Lebanese government off the hook for failing to disarm Hezbollah, as demanded by Security Council resolution 1559. Had the Saniora government done so, this war would never have started. And while the Lebanese Army would have difficulty with that task, Beirut never asked for any assistance in meeting its obligations.
If the world wants to live without terrorism, it needs to stop enabling terrorists with disproportionate criticism of civilized nations that wage war within established limits. This soft nihilism of low expectations encourages non-state actors to engage sovereign nations, knowing that the world will not allow the nations to fight terrorism effectively.
The important point here is not the fact that there is a double standard. Rather, that the world's reaction to civilians being killed only encourages groups like Hezbollah to continue with these tactics because they work.
Post #263,397
8/2/06 9:53:31 AM
Luckily I already do
They are jerks who need to stop killing bystanders. It would be best if they where prosecuted, but for political and practical reasons that isn't possible. Works either way.
Post #263,398
8/2/06 9:59:19 AM
While the world holds Israel to this standard, things become curiously silent when it\ufffds time to hold Hezbollah responsible for its conduct of war. Hardly a word has escaped from the U.N. or Europe on the 2,500 missiles that have rained down upon Israeli civilians, deliberately targeted by Hezbollah. Those attacks have displaced more than 300,000 civilians, a fact the global community and the mainstream media ignore.
The Lebanese caught in this vise should seek redress in Beirut. Unfortunately, the same global community that castigates Israel for unintentional collateral damage has let the Lebanese government off the hook for failing to disarm Hezbollah, as demanded by Security Council resolution 1559. Had the Saniora government done so, this war would never have started. And while the Lebanese Army would have difficulty with that task, Beirut never asked for any assistance in meeting its obligations.
I find it humorous...because Israel never asked for help either. While it's people were being displaced from rockets raining down -- and where the world would've condemn the actions of Hezbollah -- Israel responded by raining death down on others. So why should the world provide compassion to Israel if Israel isn't will to provide compassion to the Lebanese?
Post #263,402
8/2/06 10:27:33 AM
Because they're special.
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton jake at *\n* [link||] [link|irc://|irc://] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada [link|news://|news://] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
Post #263,542
8/3/06 6:43:03 AM
Otherwise how can you explain the world's obsession with Israel, a country of 7 million people smaller then NJ. As Mark Twain said:
The Jews constitute but 1% of the human race ... It suggests a nebulous dim puff of star dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly the Jew ought hardly be heard of; but he is heard of, has always been heard of... His contributions to the world's list of great names are away out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvellous fight in the world, in all the ages; and has done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it. The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose... the Greek and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone...The Jew saw them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no dulling of his alert mind. All things are mortal but the Jew... What is the secret of his immortality?"
Post #263,677
8/3/06 7:11:19 PM
Love. It.
Last night, a magnificent performance of the [link|| Beaux Arts Trio] (of the stellar Schubert Op 100. Recorded at Indiana U. in 1986.) Three Jews. Then.. all those physicists et alia.
Yep, as a post-toddler, initially adsorbing the prejudices cast in snarky speech-stone of my 'elders' - I could never find out What-it-Was that.. added the category 'Jew' to the lengthy rollcall of Muricans' xenophobic Hates-List (??)
(Actually I asked.. a few times - got back Microsoft-grade doublespeak; OK this was pre-M$ but That's what I recall it sounding like. Stopped asking, at least of any 'locals'.)
Currently, I notice a similar regression re 'smart Asian students' kicking-ass of the i-Pod-zoned-out crop of WASPS (white anglo-saxon protesters.) In brief, while in the US 'ethnicity' is quite enough for ostracism-by-degree - I've found no cohesive rationale for the 'Jew' class of obloquy - how it differs? from the standard knee-jerk process which issues a [-] to anyone not-just-like-Me.
I suppose this 'nonspecificality' is a Good Thing, in that Jews are just other Niggers, Spics, Liberals, Commies and the like - among the (48% of the [voting 48%]) who colored all the States Red (with a little help from Diebold.)
Equal-Opportunity Dissing, then: we're nothing if not consisently shallow. And gullible.
No words of revealed wisdom re the present conflagration - what can one say that's new? ... about 'adults' perpetually slaughtering over, Which is the *Real* Prince of Peace? As for air-conditioning deserts like Las Vegas and the M.E., words fail again.
Post #263,525
8/3/06 12:12:13 AM
When rockets are raining down ...
How much is the world's condemnation worth? Is the world's condemnation going to stop Hezbollah's rockets? The UN didn't exactly try to enforce resolution 1559 to disarm Hezbollah did it? The Jewish population still remembers WWII and the holocaust where the world stood idly by and allowed 6 million Jews to be killed. More recently the world stood by and allowed almost 1 million Rwandans to be massacred.
Post #263,531
8/3/06 1:15:11 AM
Excuse me?
I believe quite a few allied soldiers died in WW2. Don't believe I'd call that sitting idly by.
And there is a difference...Hez rockets are doing exactly as described...raining down...most missing everything. Israeli "rockets" are precision guided munitions and generally hit their targets. In one strike, Israel killed as many civilians as the "raining rockets" have killed in the entire conflict.
Don't play this card, it won't do you any good.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,539
8/3/06 6:27:04 AM
Not to save the Jews
The allies couldn't even spare a few bombs to bomb the train tracks to Auschwitz during the war to slow down the number of people getting to Auschwitz.
The Allied soldiers that died did not do so to save the Jews, they did it to defeat Germany.
Before the war the US turned back the [link||SS St. Louis] sending it's 950 Jewish passengers back to Germany to their death.
Post #263,556
8/3/06 9:18:30 AM
| we didn't
specifically target the camps and infrastructure...and this equates a lack of caring about what was going on.
Interesting perspective.
Hell, blame the current war on us too...since we were supportive of the creation of Israel following the war...and if we would have let you continue to suffer without those borders to dispute, there would be no current Lebanon conflict.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,559
8/3/06 9:27:28 AM
Jewish leaders begged Roosevelt to bomb the train tracks and he refused. He had no interest in saving the Jews from the Holocaust.
Post #263,563
8/3/06 9:34:42 AM
making him the largest anti-semite of all time right behind Hitler (right???)...simply because his thought was to destroy Germany as quickly as possible, with all possible assets focussed on that one objective.
My how the mind works sometimes.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,576
8/3/06 9:59:16 AM
Give me a break
He couldn't spare a few bombs for the train tracks? Would that really have affetced the war effort?
I didn't make him out to be a big anti-semite, what I said is that he was not interested in saving the Jews, a big difference.
Post #263,586
8/3/06 10:21:33 AM
Really. Is there?
I'd say the statement that he didn't care to save them (yours) would qualify as someone indifferent to their extermination...which I would translate into anti-semite pretty quickly.
No, you didn't >say< it...but implication is certainly there.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,589
8/3/06 10:30:24 AM
8/3/06 10:34:33 AM
America and the Holocaust: Draw your own conclusions
[link||America and the Holocaust]
President Roosevelt'S Apparent Reluctance To Help Europe'S Jews
Entry from Assistant Secretary of State Breckinridge Long's diary in which he notes that President Roosevelt supports his policy of encouraging consulates to "postpone and postpone and postpone" the granting of visas
A report written by Adoph Held, the president of the American Jewish Labor Committee recounting President Roosevelt's 29-minute meeting on December 8, 1942 with a small delegation of American Jewish Leaders After the State Department confirmed reports that Hitler was planning to murder all the Jews in territories under German control, several American Jewish leaders including Rabbi Stephen Wise managed to arrange an audience with President Roosevelt. At this meeting, the only one FDR had with Jewish leaders about the Holocaust, the President was presented with a document outlining the Nazi plan to annihilate European Jews. As this report of the meeting indicates, the president was acquainted with details of the atrocities being committed by the Nazis.
Memorandum of Conversation by Mr. Harry L. Hopkins, Special Assistant to President Roosevelt regarding a meeting with Anthony Eden March 27, 1943 Four months after the State Department confirmed the dimensions of the Holocaust, British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden met in Washington with President Roosevelt, Secretary of State Cordell Hull and Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles. At this meeting, Eden expressed his fear that Hitler might actually accept an offer from the Allies to move Jews out of areas under German control. No one present objected to Eden's statement. ... 6. Bombing Railways And Auschwitz
Summary of the Auschwitz escapees report by Gerhart Riegner, World Jewish Congress, Geneva, sent under cover of R.E. Shoenfeld, U.S. charg\ufffd to Czech government in London, to Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, July 5, 1944 On April 7, 1944, two Slovakian Jews escaped from Auschwitz. By the end of the month they had reached the Jewish underground in Slovakia, where they gave a detailed account of the mass murder operations at the camp. The two men also warned that preparations were underway to murder the Jews of Hungary. Their report initiated a series of requests that the U.S. bomb the crematoria at Auschwitz and key rail links that would be used to transport Hungarian Jews to Poland.
Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury to Assistant Secretary of War, Jan 28, 1944, asking that Theater Commanders be advised to cooperate with WRB rescue operations Shortly after the establishment of the War Refugee Board, Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Secretary of the Treasury asked the War Department to advise theater commanders that they would be expected to cooperate with the Board in aiding "Axis victims to the fullest extent possible." No message to this effect was ever sent to military commanders.
Thomas T. Handy, Assistant Chief of Staff, Memorandum for the Chief of Staff, February 8, 1944, on reassuring the British that military forces will not be used to rescue refugees
Cable from Switzerland to Agudas Israel World Organizations, New York June 12, 1944 describing situation of Hungarian Jews and calling for bombing deportation railways As the Nazis began deporting Jews from Hungary to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland, requests to bomb the deportation railways were sent to the United States.
Jacob Rosenheim, Agudas Israel World Organization, New York, to Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury, June 18, 1944, asking that deportation rail lines be bombed
Thomas Handy, Assistant Chief of Staff, War Department, to Director, Civil Affairs Division, June 26, 1944, conveying the Operations Division's conclusion that bombing the deportation railways is "impracticable" In line with its undeclared policy not to aid in the rescue of refugees, the War Department routinely turned down requests to bomb deportation railways. No studies were ever conducted to check the feasibility of such bombing raids.
Draw you own conclusions.
Edited by bluke
Aug. 3, 2006, 10:34:33 AM EDT
Post #263,595
8/3/06 10:55:05 AM
Why, the authors already did.
And say we HAD bombed Auschwitz...while full of innocent Jewish prisoners.
What revisionist history would you be applying to >that<.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,597
8/3/06 10:57:12 AM
None and you know it
Post #263,602
8/3/06 11:12:49 AM
somehow I doubt that
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,681
8/3/06 7:50:54 PM
Just lookin fer loopholes, are we?
Like clockwork -
It would require Ballmer-class obfuscation to scurry around to assemble 'reasons' for the failure even to tear up a few RR tracks: the symbolic value alone, as with the Mitchell raid on Tokyo.. would have justified such a low-risk couple bombers or even fighter-bombers, with a few spares after another raid. There were So Many of those raids.
If.. anyone actually Cared, even a mere tad.
For all the Good Shows! earned in WW-II, this peculiar.. could be called -intentional- omission, in the face of much more evidence than, say, a unilateral Regime Change\ufffd invasion 'needed' 60 years later? - can be defended only by a jingoist.
(The "trade of 10K trucks for Jews", now.?. that cynical offer was fraught with obvious problems on a variety of scales. Ripe for review, perhaps - but not nearly so stark an act of omission as was the above.)
Post #263,598
8/3/06 11:04:13 AM
It's no secret that America in the 1940's ...
was on the whole a racist and anti-semitic place. This colored the decisions of the leadewrship as well.
Post #263,603
8/3/06 11:14:17 AM
So you go from
saying no such openly stating it.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,604
8/3/06 11:20:10 AM
Do you deny that America was a racist anti-semitic ...
place then?
Everything needs to be taken in context. Rossevelt and the US government would never have actually gone about killing Jews, they just didn't like them and didn't feel a great need to try to save them. Given the atmosphere of the day it doesn't surprise me. You are judging them by today's standards I am not.
Post #263,607
8/3/06 11:24:23 AM
whatchu mean then?
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
Post #263,610
8/3/06 11:26:52 AM
That given the overall atmosphere in the US
Roosevelt was no more anti-semitic then the rest of the country.
Post #263,613
8/3/06 11:31:58 AM
I assume you have lived in America at some point
Here we are free to be bigotted except in the matter of equal access to public discourse. Having said that, although bigots that we are we also played a huge role in the creation and defense of Israel. So when people here are calling for Israel to tone it down, you may heed that call or not. You live in a free society. Be aware though that alliances are not forever. Only Israel is in charge of Israel. thanx, bill
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
Post #263,616
8/3/06 11:36:08 AM
Born and bred in NYC
I lived from birth until the age of 30. I have tremendous appreciation for the US and understand the US role with Israel. It doesn't change the facts about WWII.
Post #263,683
8/3/06 8:03:12 PM
That was my experience then, too -
Think it a fair statement that Roosevelt reflected no extreme view - from my experence growing up here, daily hearing the vox populi; it was not necessary even to use the ever-popular weasel euphemisms like 'darkies' for nigras/niggers; there was a wide assortment of nasty mouth-breather-grade 'nicks for Jews. I Heard Them All.
I concur - FDR was Everyman, in that regard. (And, as our 'Conservatives' are today the 'Reactionaries' of that period when language had not been G\ufffdbbelsized to the extremes of '06: many are Still living 1940s slogans, from right here in Yuppie wine country --> to the wastelands of the Rust Belt.)
Pity. Maybe the transistorized-kids can skip a couple generations - having grown up with, become inured to? the lies on kiddie-ad-pushing Tee Vee for New Consumers. Maybe.
Post #263,682
8/3/06 7:59:16 PM
A proclamation
Your attention please. The bestial behavior of a generation of Germans now almost entirely dead does not constitute a free pass for Israel to conduct itself however it pleases in perpetuity, or even unto the present day. Kindly adjust your policies, or at least your rhetoric, accordingly. "Israel was paid for with the blood of six million Jews!"
"Maybe that's not what the Arabs wanted for it."
—Frederic Raphael, The Glittering Prizes, 1976 cordially,
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
Post #263,408
8/2/06 10:45:32 AM
Has there ever been a war ...
where civilians weren't the main casualties? I don't think so.
Every civilian death is a tragedy. It has always been so.
You are right that Hezbollah hides among the civilians. I wouldn't be surprised if Hezbollah regards itself as a civilian organization. That's one way they could claim that every death is a civilian death. They claim to be a legitimate "resistance" organization, etc.
The world decries the death of civilians. That's not a surprise. But that's not the main issue in this case, IMO. The main issue is that Israel cannot achieve its goals by attacking civilian infrastructure, attacking residential housing, killing UN observers, etc. Yes, accidents happen. We know. But using tactics developed to attack standing armies doesn't work against guerrilla organizations. Israel needs to learn that. Israel's tactics are guaranteed to cause more death and suffering to civilians than to Hezbollah.
Bottom line: Complaining about double standards and Hezbollah hiding among civilians isn't going to change anything. Israel decides which sites it attacks. If attacking a suspected Hezbollah rocket launching site will likely result in little or no damage to Hezbollah's capabilities and may result in the death of dozens of civilians or non-combatants, then level-headed calculations would indicate that it's stupid to shell or bomb such a site. Send commandos in via helicopter if you're determined to take out such a site. You need people on the ground there in such a case. (But Israel knows that as soon as they leave, someone else from Hezbollah will take their place...)
The persecution complex hasn't served Israel very well since about 1982. :-( You know that this war is going to end via some sort of negotiations with Lebanon and Hezbollah (and probably Hamas as well). That's the way wars always end - the two sides talk. Continuing the attacks isn't serving your legitimate larger aims, IMHO.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #263,448
8/2/06 2:08:27 PM
You haven't answered yet
Israel has killed hundreds of civilians. Is it impossible for you to feel sorrow at that? [link||Still waiting.]
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link||fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats]. [link||]
Post #263,526
8/3/06 12:17:55 AM
Re: You haven't answered yet
No, I feel sorrow, but the alternative is worse. The fact is that the other side feels no sorrow. The Israeli government expressed their regret for killing civilians, I haven't heard any regret from Hezbollah. In 3 weeks of war about 700 hundre civilians have been killed. If Israel wanted to kill civilians the number would be a lot higher. The US killed 60,000 people with 1 bombing raid in WWII.
"Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us." -- Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel 1969-1974.
Post #263,532
8/3/06 1:17:11 AM
Will you stop the WW comparisons?
It is NOT like for like.
Your country is claiming this is a DEFENSIVE action. There was no claim by the US that our campaign against Germany was anything but offensive.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,540
8/3/06 6:27:55 AM
Last I checked ...
a defensive action has more justification then an offensive one.
Post #263,557
8/3/06 9:19:45 AM
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,538
8/3/06 5:22:46 AM
8/3/06 5:43:05 AM
Re: You haven't answered yet
I would like to comment on this ... "The Israeli government expressed their regret for killing civilians, I haven't heard any regret from Hezbollah."
If they only did it once, by mistake, or once because by doing so they save israeli civilian lives, I would have believed their regrets. But they do it repeatedly and it doesn't save israel civilian life, or help israel future in any human way. You haven't heard regrets from Hezbollah, I really regret this, I do watch nasra-Allah speaches on Al Jazeera, american and I guess european news probably don't air them because they accuse them of being terrorist (of course you know that here in the middle east we dont(well the majority of arabs/muslim/copts/catholics dont, only the jews maybe do)) Anyway, nasra-Allah clearly said 3 things 1. they only hit civilians, in retaliation for what israel did, i.e. israel start it, hizb-Allah kidnapped 2 soldier to have a power to negotiate the release of 3 lebanese detained by israel, they only did it to release the lebanese, israel answered by ruining the lebanese infrastructure and killing many many civilians, in day one they killed i think 20 civilian, israel started it, this is very important, hezbollah just answered in the same language, which is bad, i am not sayin its good, but, using ur logic its justified. 2. nasra-Allah also said, that they could have hurt a chemical factory thingie which would have led to more civilian life loss on the sive of israel by they did not. 3. he called israel to face them on the groud using ground combatant, which we can all see would have definitly, limited civilian life loss. In conclusion I find hizb-Allah more caring about the civilian, and show more restrain On a different piont, i counted the number of losses israel kill almost 700 80% civilians hizb-Allah killed 50 33% civilians So israel is not even trying to limit the civilian life loss. hizb-Allah is more restrained Israel will only have peace when and if the arabs start to love them, Golda Meir doesnt seem to think this is possible, and its obviously not an objective, with all the killing. From what Golda Meir said, if the arabs fear us, they will make peace with us. Well we cant fear you, and we dont fear death ... Israel need a leader who think that its possible that one day the arabs will like israel, and only then they will have peace. We all need to comprimise, Arabs need to deal with their pride and believe that they have to comprimise and that comprising doesnt take away anything from them. Israel need to know that it need Arabs to love them, and that they could if Israel comprimise. Look at what you do, how can we love you? we cant ... really I can't, you are criminals. I think Israel need to regret its past, punish few ppl (war criminals) and comprimise on Jerusalem, and the Arabs need to forget the past and focus on the future. Its hard to forget the past too much blood, been spilled, and to many ppl arabs and muslims suffered misjustice, on the hand of israel or tyrant rulers supported by the west, who fear islam. Honestly I dont think this will ever happen, we are too dumb to do the right thing, both israelies and arabs, yes the israelies are stupid, look at what they do, its stupid, sooooooooooooooooo stupid, KILLING CIVILIANS and HOPE for peace, STUUUUUUUUUUPID SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STUPID Maybe peace is overrated!
I, being, poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W. B. Yeats, He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
Edited by systems
Aug. 3, 2006, 05:43:05 AM EDT
Post #263,541
8/3/06 6:35:45 AM
Re: You haven't answered yet
Here is a rebuttal point by point:
If they only did it once, by mistake, or once because by doing so they save israeli civilian lives, I would have believed their regrets.
But they do it repeatedly and it doesn't save israel civilian life, or help israel future in any human way.
Hezbollah is doing this on purpose. They are purposely firing from civilian areas in teh hope of causing civilian casualties. Jan Egland from the UN said the following: "Mr. Egeland accused Hezbollah of \ufffdcowardly blending\ufffd among women and children.
\ufffdI heard they were proud because they lost very few fighters and that it was the civilians bearing the brunt of this,\ufffd he said. \ufffdI don\ufffdt think anyone should be proud of having many more children and women dead than armed men.\ufffd
You haven't heard regrets from Hezbollah, I really regret this, I do watch nasra-Allah speaches on Al Jazeera, american and I guess european news probably don't air them because they accuse them of being terrorist (of course you know that here in the middle east we dont(well the majority of arabs/muslim/copts/catholics dont, only the jews maybe do))
Anyway, nasra-Allah clearly said 3 things
1. they only hit civilians, in retaliation for what israel did, i.e. israel start it, hizb-Allah kidnapped 2 soldier to have a power to negotiate the release of 3 lebanese detained by israel, they only did it to release the lebanese, israel answered by ruining the lebanese infrastructure and killing many many civilians, in day one they killed i think 20 civilian, israel started it, this is very important, hezbollah just answered in the same language, which is bad, i am not sayin its good, but, using ur logic its justified.
This is simply a lie. Hezbollah attacked Israeli civilians before Israel retaliated for teh kidnappings. 2. nasra-Allah also said, that they could have hurt a chemical factory thingie which would have led to more civilian life loss on the sive of israel by they did not. The rockets Hezbollah has are not accurate and the only way he can hit a specific military target is sheer luck 3. he called israel to face them on the groud using ground combatant, which we can all see would have definitly, limited civilian life loss. Not the way Hezbollah fights hiding among women and children and in mosques
In conclusion I find hizb-Allah more caring about the civilian, and show more restrain
On a different piont, i counted the number of losses israel kill almost 700 80% civilians hizb-Allah killed 50 33% civilians
So israel is not even trying to limit the civilian life loss. hizb-Allah is more restrained
Wrong again. The reason why so few Israeli civilians are being killed is because the government actually cares about them and therefore built bomb shelters. Every apartment built in Israel since 1991 has by law had to have a secure room. This is why so few Israelis have been killed.
Israel will only have peace when and if the arabs start to love them, Golda Meir doesnt seem to think this is possible, and its obviously not an objective, with all the killing.
From what Golda Meir said, if the arabs fear us, they will make peace with us. Well we cant fear you, and we dont fear death ...
Israel need a leader who think that its possible that one day the arabs will like israel, and only then they will have peace.
We all need to comprimise, Arabs need to deal with their pride and believe that they have to comprimise and that comprising doesnt take away anything from them.
Israel need to know that it need Arabs to love them, and that they could if Israel comprimise. The leader of Iran, the patron of Hezbollah has called for the elimination of Israel. Not much room for compromise.
Post #263,545
8/3/06 7:32:14 AM
personally I think you are both screwed
hope ya all live long and prosper though, thanx, bill
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
Post #263,561
8/3/06 9:29:48 AM
Rebuttal with your own quote
But they do it repeatedly and it doesn't save israel civilian life, or help israel future in any human way.
Hezbollah is doing this on purpose. They are purposely firing from civilian areas in teh hope of causing civilian casualties. Jan Egland from the UN said the following: "Mr. Egeland accused Hezbollah of \ufffdcowardly blending\ufffd among women and children. And in retaliation, Israel fires precision munitions at those women and children, EVEN KNOWING The rockets Hezbollah has are not accurate and the only way he can hit a specific military target is sheer luck In fact, the only way they hit ANYTHING is sheer luck and the casualties that would occur if Israel STOPPED ALL FIGHTING and simply shut the borders and went house to house are next to nil. So justify this all you like. Israel is openly attacking civilian targets and blaming it on the enemy....and wondering why, oh why, does the world think this is a bad thing. If you can't figure this out...and your leaders cannot figure out that this situation is irreparably harming Israel's future, then there is no hope...and I would find somewhere else to live...because your home is going to become far too dangerous a place.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,567
8/3/06 9:47:22 AM
8/3/06 9:50:54 AM
Israel fired them at Hezbollah targets who were hiding behind women and children.
I will tell you what. I will go to Mexico and start firing Katyushas at Texas. Let's see what the US reaction is? Do you think you would just close the borders and just stop fighting.
In fact, the only way they hit ANYTHING is sheer luck
No, if you fire rockets at a big city like Haifa you will hit something and cause a lot of damage. There is a huge amount of damage in Israel. 6 civilians were killed by Hezbollah rockets today.
and went house to house are next to nil.
This is exactly what Hezbollah wants. They have spent the last 6 years preparing the ground to ambush ground troops. Why should Israel fight Hezbollah's war?
Edited by bluke
Aug. 3, 2006, 09:50:54 AM EDT
Post #263,571
8/3/06 9:52:12 AM
katushas from Mexico?
The only people they are going to kill are hispanics and the occasional tourist. bad simile. thanx, bill
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
Post #263,572
8/3/06 9:54:34 AM
Don't try to claim
a moral high ground if you are not prepared to fight for it. They have spent the last 6 years preparing the ground to ambush ground troops. Why should Israel fight Hezbollah's war? So now they are an enemy preparing a front??? I thought they were a cowardly terrorist org. The reason you would fight that war is because it would PROVE that you were interested in minimizing civilian casualties in Lebanon. Your people are NOT at great risk. Your property is being damaged, your people for the most part are not. Risking your military to spare THEIR lives would tell a much better story to the muslim community, would it not?
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,578
8/3/06 10:02:38 AM
No one including the US ...
throws away troops for no reason. To send in ground troops without air attacks would be suicide.
Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that has spent the last 6 years preparing for a confrontation with Israel. A large part of that preparation has been to bury much of their infrastructure in civilian areas and prepare ambushes and traps in civilian houses.
Post #263,593
8/3/06 10:48:19 AM
This will be my last reply on this
Bill said: The reason you would fight that war is because it would PROVE that you were interested in minimizing civilian casualties in Lebanon. Your response was: No one including the US throws away troops for no reason. By your own words, minimizing civilian (Lebanese) casualties is "no reason". As I said before: Israel has so far demonstrated that they don't care about civilians, they care about Israelis. There are things civilized people don't do, even in self defense.
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link||fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats]. [link||]
Post #263,606
8/3/06 11:23:22 AM
You are being pedantic
No one throws troops into a fight where they know they will be ambushed and killed if they have a choice.
Post #263,608
8/3/06 11:25:29 AM
Modern war is always a balance
between civilian casualties and the fighting, that is a fact of life. No country is obligated to throw troops into a trap to save civilians who are in fact helping the enemy.
Post #263,638
8/3/06 1:55:41 PM
So, why do a ground war at all?
No country is obligated to throw troops into a trap to save civilians who are in fact helping the enemy. why not simply bomb (nuke?) the country flat?
Post #263,644
8/3/06 2:24:20 PM
Re: So, why do a ground war at all?
Because no war has ever been won from the air. The air attacks weakened Hezbollah and made the conditions for a ground war against Hezbollah more favorable.
Post #263,645
8/3/06 2:29:11 PM
took 48 hrs to get to beirut in 82, whats wrong here?
would have been better to blow by everything then pickup the trash on the way out. Would have been almost over by now. The tactics are looking pretty wishy washy from this viewpoint. thanx, bill
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
Post #263,577
8/3/06 10:01:35 AM
If the US response...
I will tell you what. I will go to Mexico and start firing Katyushas at Texas. Let's see what the US reaction is? Do you think you would just close the borders and just stop fighting. If the US response to missiles being fired at it is to target airports and civilians, they would be blasted for it (and I would be working actively against the US at that point). If the US military however, rolled into Mexico with tanks and air support in a massive movement, I would support it wholeheartedly (as I suspect most Americans would).
Post #263,580
8/3/06 10:04:44 AM
That is exactly what Israel is doing now
What if the airport was being used to resupply the enemy with katyushas?
How many Iraqi civilians have been killed by US forces in Iraq? A heck of a lot more then Israel has killed in Lebanon.
Post #263,582
8/3/06 10:10:41 AM
Air support != air attack
and taking an airport (and holding it) is different that bombing it.
And...for you information, I do NOT support my country's attacking of civilians. Although our marines are about to be blasted for killing civilians, I personally hold their leadership responsible for those actions.
There's a difference between targetting civilians and invading. Your ground troops should've been in Lebanon a while ago.
Post #263,583
8/3/06 10:13:43 AM
What kind of air support can you give ...
against people hiding in a civilian building?
What about bombing rocket launchers? command posts?
Do you really think Israel should have tried to capture Beirut airport? Do you think that is feasible?
Post #263,636
8/3/06 1:51:59 PM
Probably not....
I mean the US moved in on Grenada with overwhelming force, taking the airport and other items and getting their civilians out.
I don't think Israel has the manpower, experience or will to do anything similar to take over a mere airport.
Post #263,588
8/3/06 10:28:45 AM
A huge what-if
that Israel NEVER EVEN ATTEMPTED to prove.
Instead, it disabled the airport and kept innocent civilians and foreign nationals from escaping safely. Lebanon is a vacation spot...and it is regional holidays. Thousands of foreign nationals were trapped by this action...with NO PROOF of resupply by air.
Add then bombed the main highway out of the country every night...making escape that way potential sucicide as well.
This was, at the time, justified as "keeping the enemy contained" enemy you know say is entrenched for 6 years and not leaving.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,590
8/3/06 10:31:38 AM
How do you think the katyushas got to Lebanon?
Last I checked Hezbollah didn't make them.
Post #263,600
8/3/06 11:10:31 AM
Last time anyone checked...and your own admission
they are already there, have been for years...hidden in civilian homes. No proof was ever offered that the supply lines are current...and that there is an active resupply program in place...ESPECIALLY an active resupply program using a civilian airport.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,605
8/3/06 11:22:00 AM
Don't be ridiculous
You think that at some point they said we have enough missiles? Do you think that once the war started they wouldn't want to be resupplied? What other airport would you have them use?
Post #263,620
8/3/06 11:45:08 AM
Prove it.
You can't. Your government can't. Tracking flights from Iran to Beirut, or from Syria to Beirut is SIMPLE.
There is no evidence that this is how they arrived. Your assertion of me being "ridiculous" nothwithstanding.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,631
8/3/06 1:07:25 PM
Why did Israel bomb the Beirut airport
[link||Why did Israel bomb the Beirut airport]
Analysts say there are two possible reasons and they are not mutually exclusive. Israel wants to keep Iranian arms from getting in and Israeli captives from being flown out.
Beirut Airport has long been key to Iran's supply of all kinds of material to Hezbollah. Iran's Revolutionary Guard has supplied Hezbollah with more than $1 billion of supplies over the past 25 years, say U.S. intelligence officials, as much as $150 million a year during tense times. The majority of it is flown in on an Iranian 747 cargo jet that unloads at Beirut Airport, where Hezbollah agents pick it up and drive it to the Bekkah valley south of the Lebanese capital. Anti-aircraft batteries, Katyusha rockets, armored vehicles, small arms, anti-tank missiles, etc. have all been sent. Beirut is the only airport in Lebanon capable of handling that 747. The initial deployment was in 1982 with planes bringing in supplies as needed. By the 1990s the flights had fallen to a quarterly routine. With Hezbollah under fire in Israel, now would be a time to resupply.
[link||Hell From the Heavens]
At dawn on January 31 this year, Lebanese Army troops stopped a suspicious convoy of 12 trucks trying to cross the border from Syria. Inside, they found tons of unauthorized ammunition, rockets, and other weapons. The convoy's final destination: the arms caches of Hezbollah, the radical Islamic political movement whose militia controls wide swaths of southern and eastern Lebanon. A series of phone calls followed, reportedly reaching the Lebanese prime minister's office, until, finally, the convoy was allowed on its way.
The incident was but a glimpse of a vast supply train running from Iranian arms factories and Syrian warehouses to Hezbollah, whose burgeoning arsenal has prompted Israel's offensive into Lebanon this month.
Post #263,633
8/3/06 1:19:56 PM
You give a link that 1) identifies THE SPECIFIC PLANE...and then offer another link that shows the resupply IS BY GROUND!!! And my point is...IF RESUPPLY IS BY AIR IT WOULD BE EASY TO DETERMINE...which is obviously the case since they already know it is an Iranian 747. Not exactly hard to pick that out of a crowd...and not exactly something that radar wouldn't see.
And no reason to bomb the airport. You know its an iranian 747...shoot it down.
Or, send in a tactical squad when you see the plane land...blow it up with PROOF that its there and carrying arms.
Both better solutions that would WIN support for Israel, not lose it.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,639
8/3/06 1:59:35 PM
8/3/06 2:13:14 PM
Your amazing, everthing is so easy
In real life these things are not so easy. Do you know where Beirut airport is in relation to the border? How many people are guarding the airport? Yeah it sounds easy send in a tactical team, but it is not. How do you ensure that they get out? Remeber his was on the first day of the fighting.
I can just imagine what people like you would have said if Israel had shot down an Iranian airliner besides the fact that it might have set off a regional war.
But, who cares about all that, the armchair general here has declared that it is easy so he must be right. After all, it worked in Rambo, or some other war movie. Unfortunately real war is not like a movie and is not so simple.
Edited by bluke
Aug. 3, 2006, 02:06:06 PM EDT
Edited by bluke
Aug. 3, 2006, 02:13:14 PM EDT
Post #263,660
8/3/06 4:48:54 PM
Yes. 50 miles from the border over open water
to an airport with the main runway that sits in the ocean. Very well within range of the helicopter gunships that we sold you.
Did I say it would have been EASIER than bombing. No. However, as far as targets go, Beirut Airport is pretty painless. And again, it was attacked, over and over again, based on an assertion with no proof. It would have been better to send gunships and get proof. Israeli firepower could easily handle ground defense of the airport (if it is what they claim it to be).
As for armchair are doing a fine job of this also...passing on the party line in justification of targeting civilians.
Does this criticism of Israeli tactics in any way endorse Hezbollah? No. They are equally culpable of targetting civilians. But we have always been told that Israel was above this. It does not currently seem to be the case...and there seems to be no interest in demonstrating anything different.
Well, shooting down a cargo plane that is carrying arms into a conflict zone isn't likely to be thought of poorly. If its known enough to be published...its known enough to be acted upon.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #263,742
8/4/06 7:50:06 AM
On the other hand...
[link||Bloomberg]: Aug. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Many of the rockets Hezbollah is firing into Israel are made in Iran, demonstrating the Islamic republic's success in copying Chinese and Russian technology to build its own weapons industry.
The Shiite Muslim group's arsenal includes Iranian-built portable Katyusha rockets, Israeli Reserve Brigadier General Yossi Kuperwasser said. Hezbollah struck an Israeli ship on July 14 with an Iranian-made C802 Noor guided missile. The militia also has Iran's Zelzal rocket, with a range of 120 miles, enough to reach Tel Aviv from south Lebanon, said Yaakov Amidror, a retired major general who ran Israel's National Defense College.
To supply Hezbollah, Iran flies arms to Syria, where they're loaded on trucks and shipped into Lebanon under Syrian supervision, said Yiftah Shapir, editor of the ``Middle East Military Balance,'' an annual survey published by Tel Aviv University's Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies.
The Zelzal, which means ``earthquake'' in Arabic, contains a 600-kilogram (1,322-pound) warhead, said Doug Richardson, editor of Jane's Missiles and Rockets, published in Coulsdon, England. That compares with the 90- and 175-kilogram warheads on the shorter-range Fajr-3 and Fajr-5, which Hezbollah also has, Richardson said. The Fajr-5 is based on China's WS-1, according to a Web site run by the Federation of American Scientists.
Hezbollah funds itself with direct transfers from Iran, and by creating front companies for currency counterfeiting, cigarette smuggling and other illegal activities, according to U.S. Treasury and State Department officials.
Iran's subsidy to Hezbollah is about $300 million a year, with $100 million for social programs such as schools and the rest for military purposes, said Ariel Cohen, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Heritage Foundation.
Another large part of Hezbollah's funding comes from Latin America, said Rachel Ehrenfeld, author of ``Funding Evil: How Terrorism is Financed and How to Stop It'' (Bonus Books, 2003).
Hezbollah is involved in drug trafficking through an agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia and makes counterfeit goods, including DVDs, in the ``tri-border area,'' where Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina meet, she said.
Neither Hezbollah nor the Palestinian group Hamas would be able to launch missiles, train people or provide ``the so-called social security to buy the loyalty of the population if they didn't have money,'' said Ehrenfeld, who is also director of the New York-based American Center for Democracy, a non-profit group. ``If we were able to stop that money, this wouldn't happen.''
A 220-millimeter rocket that ripped through the roof of a Haifa rail yard July 16 and killed eight workers was Syrian-made, according Israel's bomb disposal unit.
Syria's ambassador to the U.K., Sami Khiyami, said his country isn't supplying arms to Hezbollah.
``The only thing Syria is doing, it is telling the international community we have a constructive role to play but the aggression has to stop,'' he said.
[...] Emphasis added. Why was the airport bombed again? :-/ Hmm. 120 miles. That means that Hezbollah would need to be driven out of a swath from the border to [link||Batro\ufffdn] or so. I hope you guys are understanding what you're in for.... :-( Cheers, Scott. (Who hopes the UN gets off its butt and does something soon, but isn't optimistic about that.)