So this means that Comcast, with all the self-righteousness it can muster without thoroughly embarrasing itself, thinks that your carrier (is it ATT) is a spamm supporter, or that you at mikevitale, etc is a known spammer? If it is the latter, I will write and tell them to knock it off!No, not that at all.
My ISP is WideOpenWorst cable.
I pay them $10 a month for the privilege of having a static IP address on their network.
Since this IP address is not a *business* IP address, it's in the residential section of their IP block.
Because it's a residential IP, it's not truly considered a static IP address, even though I'm paying for exactly that.
Because it's not really a static IP, it's considered a dynamic IP.
Dynamic IP blocks are listed in RBLs and whatnot.
I don't spam. AFAIK, my ISP doesn't officially support spamming. But when I send email through the webserver sitting at my knee, it's coming from a residential/dynamic IP, and most sites block it.
I should be over this hump in the next couple of weeks or so...I hope this is only temporary.