Most of the cabal piously espouse their despising of
ordinary lust; ostensibly this is via their smarmily-perfected religio natures - while their concupiscence demonstrates absolutely, that they are all driven by the exact same appetite.
I suspect that, within the cabal -- the personal-Cash aspect is a mere fringe benefit of this heady lust for Unlimited Power of all sorts. Hubris means, they are sure that they can arrange to retain that indefinitely, too. It's Nice when such myopic and nasty creatures have these flaws.
Our increasingly methodical language murder though, has practically elided a word such as hypocrite from daily epithets.. meanwhile the 'Conservatives', ever incapable of even a terse recitation of what it is they imagine they are out to 'conserve' - are also willfully unaware that what they have become, are Reactionaries.
When you lose the stark, incisive words ... all that's left are slogans.
The rest that has happened here is merely the execution; those procedural details were trivial, once the banal slogans were seen to succeed. Rove/G\ufffdbbels - same guy/different suit; just a generation's difference. (A Suit is as good as a Uniform, unless there's a lot of marching needed - they're too outta shape for that, in any case.)
Not sure how premeditated is the connection between the incessant daily barrage of, You Need One of These Now! and Muricans' characteristically short attention span -?- should be worth a Thesis or two to find out.
But this forgetfulness process happens a lot here. Haven't seen Canadian consumption numbers (#-of-stuff or $/capita) lately, though: are youse guys keeping Up?
Hmmm - transistors die at Fahrenheit 451, too.