Here's a ref from [link|| Salon], linked in connection with another problem involving er, human behavior.
Although it's couched in the pseudo-exact terminology that is popular in every wannabe-'science' - if you can get through the turgid prose, there are also enough examples, possibly to fathom and apply something of his 'Theory'.
Remember the Principle, from School for Scoundrels (the Alastair Sim version):
He who is not One-Up is ... One-Down. [link|| Review]. See, folks knew this stuff - way back in 1960 even.
Since much of the behavior of persons you've described is very much about desperately Staying One-Up, perhaps a combo of the Theory + (almost Anything with Alistair Sim) can bring you up to speed, re one of the more popular and annoying pastimes of the unimaginitive masses.