I worked for two people who probably fit the bill here.

First one was an insurance man, and his secretary had broken her leg and couldn't come in. So he told me to locate a specific file she had made, but wouldn't allow me to call the woman to ask her method of naming files, or possibly the name of the file in question. I tried to explain to the man that there was no way on earth I could possibly know what she named a given file, and it would take me some time to search for it by guesswork. (this was in the days of DOS and they were using Word Perfect). He became irate because I couldn't just "know" what she had named them.

So I started searching her files looking for the file in question, and then he came back in and told me to forget that for now, and to draw him a circle. I said say what? Draw you a circle where? He told me to draw him a circle using Word Perfect. I told him Word Perfect didn't have that capability, and if he wanted me to draw a circle, I needed software that did. He yelled till he was red in the face, claiming I was an idiot and didn't know anything about computers, and I promptly quit. I wondered for weeks if he ever found his file, or got a circle drawn. I only lasted with him for three days.

The other was even better. I was working with a woman at her home who did hospital records and such, and used an Apple IIE. Only she wouldn't let me touch certain buttons on it that would serve as short cuts for me, claiming her son told her not to touch those buttons. But I explained to her they would make my job easier, and that if she would let me, it would be fine. She wouldn't budge, so I had to work around all the open-apple key combinations because she wouldn't let me use the key. When I finished my first day on the job, I turned the computer off and drove home.

Before I even got home, she had called my mother shrieking that I had broken her computer, and I had to get back and fix it immediately. I was boggled, but drove back to her house. She was ranting and raving about the computer, and I went in and turned it on and said what's the problem, it's fine? Apparently she had never turned it off ever, and was convinced when I did I had destroyed it. I told her I quit and wanted my money (pay for one day's work). She threatened to call the police on me and I said call them, I'll tell them you didn't pay me. She paid me and I left. Weird weird woman.
