. . considering comments on some of my recipes, I'm not sure how many here would up to "stuff the ventricles . . . wrap in cheesecloth . . . serve up on a platter surrounded by the vegetables and slice into individual portiona". Just a bit too "organic" maybe?
Other recipes call for the heart to be pickled same as pickling tongue.
Most heart recipes are a little more trouble than I'd want to go to for just one heart, so I'd just cube it up and brown it along with my beef shins and veal shanks to make up the next batch of Demi-Glace.
Well . . . the truth be known, I haven't dabbled in the Frech Grand Cuisine for many years, so I'd probably just dice the thing up small and toss it in with the the off-cuts from the cheap lumps of beef I buy to make a nice beef stock.
Beef stock is a handy staple ingredient for Korean, Southeast Asian, North and South American (including Canada, even though it's not moose) and Europen cuisine - but not India (or local Hari Krishna).
I think beef heart (properly processed) is kosher but I'm not absolutely sure.