Have you ever watched sex in a movie?
Have you tried to copy what they do?
Was it groovy?
In a car while driving fast?
With other drivers whizzing past?
I wonder how long that would last.
(Before someone ends up in a cast)
In the back seat in a cab?
Driving the taxi driver mad?
On an airplane?
In a train?
On the hood of a car?
Maybe outside in the rain?
In a restroom?
Please be quiet.
The person in the next stall
Might want to try it.
Have you had sex on a beach?
With other couples within arms reach?
On a Harley?
In a truck?
In the neighbor\ufffds pool?
Now there\ufffds a good _______.
(Sorry. It rhymed.)
Have you had sex that made you cry?
So good that you want to die?
Where time stands still and hearts beat fast
The kind you want to last and last?
Have you faked it?
Or has she?
You probably wouldn\ufffdt know, you see.
Especially if it was me.
With how many people have been?
Maybe 10?
Any tattoos or piercings to titillate?
What about shaving to excite your mate?
Wearing a mask?
Using a feather?
Oh what fun can be had together!