I wish. :-( The wife is feeling stressed and crabby tonight.
She's got some deadlines coming up at work, and her mother is driving her nuts. (I'm able to be a little more detatched than she is.)
Ann: "Where's Gloria?"
Wife: "Your sister Gloria died 15 years ago. She has never been here. You should read that note we typed up for you - it's to help remind you where everyone is."
Ann: "I've read that. But Gloria sleeps with me. I'm worried that she hasn't had dinner."
Wife: "You've just been daydreaming and remembering things from a long time ago. You haven't lived with Gloria since 1941. There are just the 3 of us here."
Ann: "I'm worried about our father."
Wife: "Mother, you and I have different fathers. Your father died before I was born. You don't need to worry about him or your other relatives. Please read that note we typed up for you whenever you wonder where someone is."
Ann: "Ok."
Ann: "Where's Gloria?"
I think that marlowe must not have much experience with Alzheimer's to believe in things like "objective beauty". ;-)
I haven't had any alcohol in several months. I had some tonight just to relax a little. I'm trying to be good to the wife too - e.g. I got her a [link|https://store.muttscomics.com/pc-97-17-im-a-keeper-shirt.aspx|T-shirt] that she really likes. But I need to do better...
Hang in there, everyone.