You're more or less right.
But the term "alcoholic" isnt a diagnostic label. We look at etoh use on a continuum- a progression of use from etoh use--->abuse----> etoh dependence. Someone who is at the end stage of dependence would be your classic alcoholic- someone who has both a physiological and psychological addiction and is at risk of withdrawal if they stop drinking.
I'm working with a client who suffers from severe withdrawal symptoms- seizures, DT's, etc. She drinks to keep from dying. She has been sober for 6 months, but any uncomfortable physical feeling she experiences can trigger a relapse, because in her mind,she irrationally believes any physical sensation is the start of a seizure and she then has the urge to drink to stay alive. She perceives this belief to be rational because for the last 25 years, this has been her life. Every day is a battle for her. She hasnt relapsed yet and she is one of the most courageous women I have ever met.
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