Agree w/you about what "corporate jets" means to the non-pilot contingent. But you made a minor(?) mistake:
you aren't likely going to see the impact of the change as much as the vlj market and corporate aircraft...which must be tracked along with the big boys...
First, what the airlines are lobbying for is user fees for *any* atc contact. I enjoy flying, not yacking on the radio, but occasionally I will use VFR flight following and sometimes, if I can't avoid it, I have to call approach to transit Class C airports. That'd incur a charge for a service the regs say will be provided "workload permitting". That means I may be paying for nothing. And here's a really grand example: I'm flying direct to FGX from C62. My direct path takes me through Dayton's airspace. Here's a hypothetical conversation:
Me: "Dayton Approach, Cessna 7522 tango, 10 northwest, level at 3,500, direct to FGX."
Dayton Approach: "Cessna 22 tango remain clear of class charley airspace."
Me: "22 tango."
He just told me I can't enter his airspace, so I get to fly around it *AND* if the big boys have their way, I'll get charged $10.00 as a bonus because I used the radio. What could be more fair than that?
Second, if the VLJ's stay below 18,000 they do *not* have to be tracked at all. Nor do they have to use ATC.