Randy makes sense there. The wonder of 'logic' is that, like the algebra - you can solve problems symbolically, of a complexity such that you couldn't hold all the concepts in clear memory: while solving the er equation.

(This I believe is also the idiocy, fallacy of the so-called Corporate Mission Statement which purports to set out in nice linear thought.. that which is never so straightforward in the dynamics of actual life. It's pure MBA make-work masturbation IMnsHO.)

What every (good) scam artist knows, that MENSA and its numbers is irrelevant to - is that the appearance of a logical flow (?) is indeed bait for such as yearn for this simplicity in all things. Now having a high IQ == liking nice structured problem solving doesn't Guarantee this insouciance about people, motives and scams .. but it's a damn good indicator IMhO.

Still and all - the machinations of Billy n'Bally are near-transparent and not even all that clever. One needs Some life experience to see this at a glance but.. c'mon: these CIEIOs are purportedly bizness savvy and.. surely acquainted with the greed and larceny inside themselves. They are 'sposed to be STUDYING their corp needs, wants and alternatives. They don't have to get it at a glance: they've had YEARS!

And still the same old same old Works. *THIS* is what I just don't get! I mean - *really* - has National Dumbth actually reached the level that, M/Sloth's every aim and utterance about the (supposed but not Real.. next aim) is HARD to understand?

(If it's that bad - how do these people dress themselves?)

{sigh} The Minutemen died for *THIS* ?