Time to jump, maybe?
I managed to get my salary matched despite the fact that my new job - not a tech job - had a listed salary range with a limit at about 2/3 of what I needed.
Well, I thought I was jumping out of the profession, but when I got my letter confirming my new job (the French skin-care products company) the title is Logistics and Information Systems Manager. So I guess I'm still in technology. But what the job consists of is being the person in the company that the consultants can't bamboozle with tech talk. Anything I can fix myself is gravy. Man, I've got my work cut out - the system (which has been down for a week as of yesterday when I signed on, France is getting grumpy, I think, but I don't speak French yet) is currently being built/maintained by two competing consulting companies, one of which includes two guys going behind each other's backs.
"You don't have to be right - just use bolded upper case" - annon.