I was too tearse.
Some random number generators are more random than others. :-) I'm aware of the limitations of typical pseudo random number generators. I was too tearse in putting that in the Subject. (One of many true random number generators is [link|http://www.fourmilab.ch/hotbits/|HotBits].)
I wasn't questioning the "side-effects" aspect (I don't think), I was wondering whether it would be possible to hypotheically code a random number generator in a pure functional language given that, apparently, f(x0,t) = y0 for all x0 for a fuctional language, where a random number generator would give f(x0,t) = y(x0,t,gamma) (where gamma is some truly radom parameter). (If I didn't mess the notation up.) Presumably the code would talk to a radioactivity sensor or something similar that was truly random.
I would think that it must be possible, but wonder how it would be simply explained and whether it violates the premise of functional programming.