It's gotten a lot of press, and a lot of people are worried about it, but I don't expect any WMD shipment or any attack to be mounted from a standard shipping container that's been compromised. Rather, I expect that it'll be something low-key, if it ever happens. Like a fishing boat, or a pleasure craft. The Coast Guard can't search everything that comes near the US coast. They certainly don't stop all the drugs that reach the US that way. What's to stop someone from FedEx-ing or using the USPS to mail a WMD to the US? (Yes, FedEx does have security, and packages are inspected. But it's not 100% secure either.)

Obviously, we need ways to inspect cargo, and suspect cargo should be checked before it reaches a US port facility. But I don't expect a problem to happen via that route. If we dump billions into securing the ports and don't pay attention to less secure routes, we'll be setting ourselves up for a fall. :-(

For example, I'd be more worried about an attack on a petroleum tank farm in Newark than security at the Newark ports, myself.

[image||0|Newark Tank Farm|261|400]

