I may have to give up feeding the birds, not sure. Also there are squirrels, rabbits, and stupid dogs and cats that roam around, which is probably why I have my problem. I wish people would keep their pets in their own yards.
We still think there's at least one mouse left in the house, (long story, I didn't share, but they were doing Houdini tricks and getting into the seed container to eat the bags of seeds, and ignoring the one on top as bait), but we caught one, and the bait seeds by and on the traps weren't touched as of yesterday. We thought the mice were bringing them in, but it doesn't appear to be the case as there haven't been any signs of fleas downstairs this time, only up here. And I saw them jump on me on the front walk on the 15th. It's cold again, so that will help. I now haven't seen any since Sunday. Someone else suggested seeding the yard with lime, would that help?