Something about Photoshop, easy to use, etc
not webcams and filters.
Usefulness to me: zero. Photoshop filters are quite easy to use, and besides PS does so much more that's critical; for example, using magic wand to select areas that I want to apply the filter to.
I'm sure that could be done in Squeak, but I highly doubt it has.
I have no doubt there's a lot of value in Squeak. Heck, I like components a lot; even COM components can add a lot of value (I know COM components can also add a lot of pain).
But Squeak isn't going to replace applications. There's a lot of value in putting together the components to make a polished finished product. After all, it's not that hard to make your own MP3 player using standard components (Circuit Cellar has articles on it), but it is hard to make one with a good user interface like the iPod.